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Jameria had just cried herself to sleep the previous day because Jaylen was in jail and she couldn't get him out because a bond wasn't posted.

It was approximately 8:40 and Jaylen had just been released with no charges on him due to the fact he didn't get his right read. And who his father is.

Jaylen's POV

I was now on my way back to Jameria house since I got released from jail. I knew they ain't have shit on me to keep me in there! And Jameria had to be at her doctors appointment at 10. So I rushed there to jump in the shower and make sure she made it to the appointment in time.

I was able to get in her apartment with the key she had gave me. And I seen her and Cocoa on the couch sleep. And how they were sleeping on the couch together looked uncomfortable.

I jumped in the shower before I woke her up because I wanted to make sure she got enough sleep. Because knowing her she stayed up all night worrying about me like I was about her.

"Baby get up!" I said trying to wake her up!"

"Stop!" She said.

"Baby get up!" I said.

And she instantly jumped up.

"Omg you ok?" She said.

"Yea I'm straight!" I said laughing

"Baby look at this cut on your face!" She said grabbing my face looking at it.

"I know he did it to my face when he slammed me!" I said.

"Well you need to take his ass to court for that shìt!" She said.

"It's cool baby go get in the shower!" I said.

"Come on!"she said.

" I already showered!"

"Boy I'm talking about come on so I can clean your cut." She said pulling me to the bathroom.

She cleaned my cut and jumped in the shower.

We finally made it to the doctors appointment and Jameria was in one of her moods because she didn't have enough time to get food.

"Jameria!" The receptionist called.

So we got up and walked over to the receptionist desk.

"You can go back here's a cup to collect your urine!" The lady said.

"Ok thank you!" Jameria said.

She peed and we sat in the waiting room for 5 minutes then they came to get her for an ultrasound.

"Here's the little baby boy he's moving just fine!" The lady said.

I then took my phone out because those were just memories I wanted to capture.

I then took my phone out because those were just memories I wanted to capture

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