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Today I was getting discharged from the hospital and Jaylen was currently running in and out of the hospital taking all the things to the car.

I had just put Amir in his car seat and was waiting for my discharge papers and Jaylen to come back up.

I was drinking some water when I heard my phone start ringing and I saw it was my mom so I decided to answer.

"Hello" I said.

"So you wasn't going to call anybody to tell them you was having the baby!" She said yelling in the phone.

"I wanted it to just be me and Jaylen in the room so there wasn't a reason to call!" I said getting irritated.

"Y'all always be so secretive about shìt and wanna tell me last minute & it's no point coming now!" She said.

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to and that's exactly why you wasn't invited in the first place." I said.

I couldn't even get my words out before she took over and start talking over me.

"Bitch he my grand baby too! I bet you let that nigga mama in the room with you!" She said.

"Bitch I'm not finna go back in forth with you over MY CHILD. That I'm going to be taking care of, bitch you wasn't even there for the kids you have YET you wanna tell me what I should've did hoe bye!" I said and she hung up so I blocked her.

I instantly started crying and Jaylen walked in the room. I overly tired of fussing with her about little things that's exactly why I left home.

She's literally jealous of people who have more than her and happier than her.

"Baby what's wrong? He asked.

"This stupid ass bitch Samantha!" I said.

Backstory of my mother before y'all say I'm tripping.
She left my father after being with him for 16 years because it was extremely toxic. I was only 12 or 13 when we moved to another city and she was already talking to someone prior to leaving my father and after a year of us being at our new home she left us to stay with the man she was dating. It was times we wouldn't have food, water or even lights. And the only time we ate is if we went to the house she stayed at or if my sister bought us food.

"Baby don't let her stress you out. I already know what it's about and we'll talk about it when we get home ion want them to see you up here like this!" He said wiping my eyes .

"I don't know why I went to her house and stayed for a month thinking she would change. She literally wanna act like she care about Mir and she doesn't she only just wanted to be invited so she can take pictures for Facebook and ask me for money!" I said.

Jaylen start rubbing my back because I begin to cry again because I wanted a relationship with my mother like other people have with theirs. I cleared my tears once I seen the nurse come into my room with discharge papers.

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