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"Hi," I said and kissed the top of Soda's head. "Hey little lady," He said. "Where is everyone?"
I asked. "Not sure," He shrugged. "Johnny and Ponyboy went to the movies after school got out, but that's all I know,"

"Hmm, okay," I said and plopped onto his bed while he sat at the desk. "I got a letter from Harvard yesterday," I said. "Bob brought it to me today at school,"

"Are you serious?" He asked. I nodded. "Have you opened it yet?" He asked. "No, I'm too scared," I said. "Well whenever you're ready to open it you know I'm here," he said. "Thanks Soda," I said. "Did I tell you Dallas came to the dx yesterday and told Steve about how Sylvia has been trying to hook up?" I asked. "No, did you kick his ass?" He asked. "I wish," I said.

"He's just trying to piss me off," I shrugged. "You think he did it?" He asked. "No," I said. "I hope not at least,"

"I don't think he did," He said. "Nobody knows that you two had sex last week tho, do they?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Only you and Liv, and I'm sure Johnny," I said. "Probably," He said. "Well, me and Steve are gonna work on the car tonight, you can come help,"

"Sounds good to me," I said. "Great," He smiled.


"I was thinkin' maybe I could come to your place tonight," Sylvia said. "I already told ya no," I said, taking a drag of my cigarette. "Sylvia get out of my bar if you're gonna harass him," Buck said. "Why don't you want me?" She asked, running her hands up my chest. "Sylvia, I want someone else, if you're gonna be needy, leave," I said.

She rolled her eyes and left the bar.

"That's a little harsh," Buck said. I shrugged. "She cheated on me,"

"Good point," He said. "So, talked to Mackenzie?" He asked. "Not since yesterday at the dx," I said. "Didn't really talk though," I said. "You think you guys'll get back together?" He asked. "I dunno man," I said. "I miss her like hell,"

"I know ya do kid," He said. "She clearly misses you too after that noise last week," He said, making himself laugh. "Fuck off Buck," I said."Hey, action is action," He said. "She's not just someone to fuck," I said. "I want more than that with her,"

"Then tell her that," He said. "I'm worried it'll ruin it," I said. "Ruin what?" He asked. "Whatever we are right now, we're just enemies with benefits and it's fun for the time being, if I bring up serious shit I could fuck it up," I said. "The fact that you're even thinkin' about a serious relationship blows my mind Dallas," He said. "She'll know when you tell her, that you mean it,"

"If I tell her," I said. "Tell her," He said. "See you later Buck," I said, grabbing his car keys from him. "Dickhead," He said.

I walked out the door and drove to the dx. "Sodapop, Steve," I said. "Hey Dal," Steve said. "Okay I only found two fruit punch so you guys need to fight for it, the loser gets kiwi," Mackenzie said, walking in. "Hey Kenz," I said. She looked over at me. "Hey," She said. "You guys can take them," Soda offered. Steve gladly took the fruit punch.

"What're you workin' on?" I asked. "Fixing the cars engine," Soda said, throwing a rag over his shoulder. "Kenzie here is actually a pro at fixing things," Steve said, patting her shoulder.

"You can fix cars?" I asked her. "Don't sound so surprised," She replied. "I can do a lot of things nobody knows about,"

"Like?" I asked. "Getting into Harvard," She said. "What? Shit you got in?" I asked. "I opened the letter a few minutes ago," She said. "Fuck Mack, congratulations," I said and hugged her. "Thanks," She laughed. "Damn, Harvard," I said. "I know," She said. "It's so weird, my dream school,"

"Since you were a kid, that's crazy," I said. "Can't believe you stuck with it,"

"Me either," She said. "Are you two getting along right now?" Steve asked. "Uh, shit, yeah, congrats, stay bitchy, bye," I said and walked back to my car.


"He remembered," I said quietly. "Of course he did," Soda said. "Like I said, he cares about you," He said. I smiled. "It's been a long day, let's go home, we can finish this during our shift tomorrow," Steve said. They both kissed the top of my head. "We're real happy for you Kenz," Soda said. "Extremely," Steve said. "Thanks guys," I said.

Once I'd showered, Liv walked into the guest room. "I'm glad you called me when you opened it," She said, handing me a bag. "Livie you didn't need to get me anything," I said.

"Just open it babe," She said, sitting in front of me. I opened the bag and there were two sweatshirts in it. I took them both out. On the front of both, they said Harvard. On the back, one said Sheldon, and one said Anderson.

At the bottoms of the bag was a candy and a letter. I grabbed the letter.

"Miss Anderson,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted..."

I screamed and dropped the letter. "You're shitting me right?!" I yelled. "We're going to Harvard, together?!" I asked. "Hell yeah we are!" She said. "My parents and I opened mine right after you called, I had these pre-made just in case!" She said as I pulled her into a hug. "Liv I'm so happy for you, for us, we can live together and get a cute little apartment with cute decorations," I said. "I know!" She said. "But..."

"Johnny can come too," I said. She smiled at me. "I love you Mackenzie Sheldon," She said. "I love you Olivia Anderson," I said.

"Johnny better reward you good tonight," I winked. "He's coming over in an hour and I'll tell him, I just wanted to see you and tell you first," She said. "I'm glad you did," I said. "Dally remembered," I added.

"He hugged me and said, 'What? shit you got in?' and then said 'Since you were a kid that's crazy' and I melted a little bit," I said. "Of course he di, and he misses you too, by the way," She said. "It's painfully obvious to everyone but you two,"

"We had sex last week, have been mean ever since, then today he hugs me and makes me feel all bubbly, I don't know what we are," I said.

"Soulmates, duh," She said. I smiled at her. "Speaking of, go get yours, I love you darling," I said. "Love you more," She winked and tan out of the room. I sighed and looked around at the empty walls that didn't belong to me. I thought back to the bar, how the walls became ours, and now they were only his.

Oh how I missed Dallas.

hehehe so many updates this week

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