*-chapter one-*

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The vibrant atmosphere of the farmers' market surrounds me as i make my way through the bustling stalls. The sun's warm embrace only adds to my sense of contentment and excitement. soaking up the sunray my mind travels back to the carefree days of my childhood that i had spent playing in the sand at the beach.

my purpose for being at the market is clear - i was on a mission to gather the finest ingredients for the  special dinner and dessert that i had decided to plan and  to prepare for my mother. The anticipation of the meal makes my stomach rumble in hunger. The red grilled pork with mint and homemade thin fries sound absolutely delicious, and the thought of the flavors dancing on my taste buds is almost too much to bear.

my excitement is not only about the food but also because i have been planning this dinner since last week. It's a significant occasion, because i suspect that my mother is planning on telling me big news may or may not be related to her boyfriend. The prospect of a family gathering with this exciting news has my heart brimming with joy and anticipation, if it my mother telling me he moving in, i couldn't be happier he's been talking about this for while but my mother hasn't exactly been ready, but i truly believe she is now. i continue to peruse the market, carefully selecting the best ingredients for the special meal that will soon bring my mother and i closer.

The sight of my mother's favorite flowers at the market brings a smile to my face, and with that i decide that they would be the perfect addition for my dinner table tonight because of my special evening ahead. As i approach the flower stall, i can't help but notice the unsettling gaze from the seller, which gives you an uncomfortable feeling. i cross my arm over my belly and continue my walk.

i muster up enough courage to ask the seller about the price of the flowers i wanted, he look him up and down. "how much would these be sir?" " they are usually 30 bucks for the bundle but if you want it for half you'll need to help me out" the seller's initial creepy demeanor turns even more unsettling when he offers me a discount if i could "help" him out. His proposal makes me frown and roll my eyes in annoyance. getting creeped out i decide to just negotiate a deal for half of the bundle because i could only afford half of the, but this only seems to infuriate him.

i quickly hand over the money, i grab the flowers, and make a hasty exit from the market, wanting to put as much distance between myself and the creepy seller as possible. The seller leaves me feeling a bit unnerved, but i'm determined to focus on the dinner preparations and the special news my mother is going to share with me tonight.

on my way home i find myself on the ground after an unexpected collision, i;m still clutching my flowers and the bags of ingredients for my special dinner. The initial shock and frustration bubbles up, and i'm quick to voice my irritation to the stranger who bumped into me "you know you almost just ruined my mothers dinner, and flowers". silence he doesn't say nothing "well you could at least apologize or ask if i'm okay" but yet again there's a comfortable silence, so i wait for a response.

while continuing to wait for a response, i can't help but be drawn to his captivating hazel eyes that stand out in the sunlight. His appearance, from his somewhat curly black hair to his sharp jaw, and the well-tailored suit, leaves an impression on me.

my trance is broken when he bends down and helps me pick up my shopping. He hands it to me and finally utters a small, almost inaudible apology before leaving to enter the cafe, well also diner, i happen to work at . While the encounter was certainly frustrating, i can't help but be left with a sense of intrigue about the enigmatic stranger. i dust my dress off and continue my walk home, still thinking about the unexpected collision and the mysterious man who had crossed my path.

As i continue my journey home, the encounter with the stranger lingers in my brain. i can't help but wonder about the circumstances that led him to be in such a hurry and why he seemed so unresponsive. His striking appearance and those captivating hazel eyes keep replaying in your mind.

The walk, though not too far, feels a bit longer than usual as my thoughts continue to revolve around the the man. but i'm still determined on getting home and cook the dinner for my mother.



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