*-chapter twelve-*

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*-Jaspers pov-*

"Oi mate," Scott bursts into my office, his voice loud and over the top. I groan when I hear his exhausting tone. It's too early, or maybe it's because of the raging hangover I'm sporting. His chipper attitude is turned up to full volume.

"What?" I snap at him, rubbing my forehead. I can hear his chuckle. "I'm just dropping off information about one of our clients. What's the matter with you?"

"Hangover, Finn's fault," I grumble, looking up at Scott when I hear his overdramatic gasp. "And I wasn't invited. You know I love a good bar run. Wait, is this because his girlfriend broke up with him again? Yeah, I take it back. Thank you for not inviting me," he exclaims with mock enthusiasm, rolling my eyes. "Stop being childish."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Here, I'll look after your office. Go take a break. I don't want to deal with you all grumpy at the three meetings we have today," Scott offers, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Three meetings? Why the hell do I have three meetings today?" I exclaim in disbelief.

"Because you fired your assistant, and now Paul from finance is taking over the scheduling. Mind you, he has no clue and has too much on his plate for it," Scott explains, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation.

Shaking my head, I mutter, "Yeah, I'll fix that. I'm going for coffee."

Scott interrupts, "Maybe this time, don't be so, what's the word, uptight. Your refusal to speak to the last one kinda was the reason she snapped at you.

iving him a glare, I walk off in annoyance.

I arrive at the same cafe I visited last time; their coffee was just too good to resist. Stepping inside, I join the line, pulling out my phone to pass the time while I wait. must of only been a few minutes but i hear the server 'hello, i can i help you?" looking up i furrow my brows in shock.

its her, the one i bumped into. looking down i try and see a nametag, yet there none. oh well ill figure it out nextime.

Black coffee, please," I order, nodding at the barista as she relays my request.

After paying for my coffee, I step to the side to wait. To my surprise, the woman next to me strikes up a conversation. "So, how's the weather, huh? I love the sun," she says with a friendly smile. right, i just stand there for a moment. waiting for my coffee, yet agian i dont say anthing.

Once I receive my coffee, I notice that she's already engrossed in conversation with another customer. Deciding not to intrude, I quietly make my way out of the cafe and head back to my car. The drive to the office is uneventful, but my mind is filled with a nagging sense of guilt.

As I park the car and make my way inside, I can't shake the feeling that I should have engaged more in the conversation. Maybe a simple exchange could have brightened both our days. With a sigh, i walk back to my office and find scot sitting in my chair feet on my desk calling someone.

So help me God, if he's not calling a client, I will murder him, casting a sidelong glance at Scott, who quickly straightens up in his seat.

"Who are you calling?" I demand, my tone sharp with irritation.

"Just Daddy Blackwood," Scott replies casually, and my eyes widen in alarm.

"That better not be my father on the phone," I retort, feeling a surge of panic.

Scott starts laughing. "No, sweetie, it's just Finn. Decided it was my job to mock him since you did such a good job consoling him last night."

Rolling my eyes, I gesture for him to vacate my seat and move to sit in it. Scott bids his goodbyes to Finn and settles into the chair in front of my desk.

"So why were you blushing when you walked in?" Scott asks again, his tone casual as ever. Shocked that he noticed, all I can do is shrug my shoulders. "Ah, ah, ah, buddy, you're telling me you got Jasper blushing right now?"

Looking up at him, I roll my eyes. "I don't know her name,  but she works at the cafe and she the one i bumped into the other day."

"jasper's in love," Scott says with a smirk as he stands up, taking his phone out. "What are you doing?" I mutter, watching him snap a photo of me.

"Taking a milestone picture," he says with a big smile. "You're such a dork. Go get back to work," I say, pointing towards my door.

I watch him walk away, calling out, "And delete that now."

"Never," he replies, his voice fading as he exits the room.



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