*-chapter eleven-*

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Waking up to the blaring sound of my alarm clock, I groan, immediately registering how early it is. With a sense of reluctance, I reach over to my nightstand, fumbling for the button to silence the noise. Rolling over, I bury my head in the pillow, unwilling to face the day that looms ahead. The room remains cloaked in darkness, amplifying the weight of the impending tasks. With a sigh, I summon the energy to sit up and begin the day. After a brisk shower, I scan the room for the dress I had in mind, quickly pulling it on. I then gather my hair into a neat ponytail, aiming for a semblance of order before venturing out into the world.

Heading down the stairs, I grab my apron and personal items, gearing up for the day ahead. Making my way to the bus stop, I feel the briskness of the early morning air as the city gradually stirs to life. Admittedly, I don't have my driver's license yet; the memory of a nerve-wracking driving test resulting in failure lingers. Hence, the bus remains my primary means of transportation. Tapping my bus pass, I find a seat and lean my head against the window, welcoming the warmth of the morning sunlight on my face. During this quiet commute, my thoughts drift to my mum. I hope she's finding companionship in the facility, someone to talk to when she needs it.

Getting off the bus at the nearest bus stop, I walk the remaining distance to work. Upon arrival, I enter through the back, stowing my personal belongings in a locker and donning my apron. I make my way to Joanne's office to inform her of my presence before heading out to the front.

"OH MY GOD, you're back!" I'm greeted by Alexis, evidently surprised. "Hey Alexis, I only took under a week off," I reply, sharing a small chuckle and reciprocating her makeshift hug. "Yeah, but that means I had to deal with Karol all by myself." rolling my eye at alexis, I defend Karol, "Oh, don't be so rude, karol is nice." Alexis rolls her eyes at my comment. "You're on register for the first half, and I'll deal with the floor, okay?" Nodding in agreement, I walk over to the till, ready for the tasks ahead.

setting up my stuff, i wait for a customer walks in. looking up after a while i notice  somone walking over "Hello there! What can I get you today?" I greet the customer with a friendly smile as they approach the counter.

The customer, a regular at the cafe, glances at the menu and responds, "I'll go for my usual – a caramel latte and a blueberry muffin, please."

"Sure thing! One caramel latte and a blueberry muffin coming up," I reply, noting down the order on the order pad.

As the barista begins preparing the coffee, we engage in light conversation about their day or any new items on the menu. The cozy ambiance of the cafe enhances the customer's experience, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

it's time for Alexis and me to swap roles. As I move from booth to booth, I diligently jot down orders and then deliver them to the bustling kitchen. The chefs are working tirelessly to fulfill the numerous requests, and I can't help but feel for them as the orders keep piling up. it already feels like I've taken around 50 orders. Alexis and I switch places again. This time, she said dealing with snobby businesspeople is above her paygrade. shaking my head i walk over to the till.

During a brief lull in customer activity, I find a moment to relax and pull out my phone. Engaging in a few rounds of classic Candy Crush becomes my escape, the bell to the door open so i turn my phone off and look up, I couldn't believe my eyes; it was the same guy again. Subtly smiling, I greet him, "Hello, how can I help you?" He furrows his brows a little but quickly mutters, "One black coffee." I relay the order to the barista next to me and then turn my attention back to him, asking, "Can I get you anything else?" All he does is shake his head. "Alright, that'll be four dollars and ten cents.". i don't know why but i hate the silence it alway let my thought wander off and sometimes it gets a little dark so deciding on making small chitchat with man because our barista already has five drink orders.

"So, how about this weather, huh? I love the sun," I say, mentally face-palming myself for the cliché choice of conversation. There's a tiny pang of hurt when he doesn't respond. I don't know him well, but for a guy I find cute and have seen three times in total, I think I've got the tiniest crush. The awkwardness lingers as I hand him his coffee, and he walks away without saying much. I shake off the disappointment, realizing not every interaction is destined for a charming conversation.

Moving on to the next customers, I continuously serve all the way up to my break, which is an hour after the lunch rush. Grabbing a muffin, I walk into the back and jump onto a useless table I always sit on. The chefs brought this table in from storage so I could just sit here and talk instead of "getting in their way," which I think is bullocks because they love me. But I've always complied with them.

Talking to the chefs about some random fact I found, or asking them about anything, goes on for a while until I see Jake come in wearing a chef uniform. "Wait, what? We have a fourth chef on the team. Aww, OMG, who's going to be serving with me on Thursdays and weekends?" I force out a fake pout near the end. Jake chuckles and shakes his head, showing off his dimples. "Yes, Maeve, I have climbed the ranks from cafe server to the diner's chef." Knowing he's been wanting to get away from serving for some time, I jump off and run to Jake, giving him a quick hug. "Well, I'm so proud. Maybe you should go tell Alexis, and oh, I don't know, maybe ask her out."

"Oh, step off it," he says on his way out. "Where are you going, Jake?" I question out to him. jake mutters out "to Alexis" as he continues walking. Smiling in victory, I return to my table, eating the rest of my muffin before heading out to finish off the rest of my shift. Walking through the little blind, I see Jake following Alexis around. Shaking my head and giggling to myself, I return to work.



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