*-chapter ten-*

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Entering the cafe/diner, I make my way to the back and knock on Jo's door. Her inviting "come in" prompts me to twist the door handle and step inside. Attempting a smile, I greet her, "Hey, Jo. How are you?" She rises from her seat, embraces me with a big hug, and asks, "Oh, sweetie, I'm okay. But how are you?" Releasing a sigh, I admit, "It could be better. I visited Mum in the facility this morning." Jo nods in understanding, "Oh, yeah? That's good, how is she?." 

"yeah she well you know her" i reply, "you look like your about to cry, come here" jo says in her motherly tone. walking back over to jo i let her embrace me in a hug. "i'm just so tired of this, ever since he left i just cant deal with her anymore, but i love her so much," i say in between small sniffles. "oh sweetie, i know its hard but now that she in the faculty it might be easier soon okay" jo adds, after a few second she lets go off me.

After a brief pause, I gather my courage and express, "Jo, I've been thinking. I'd like to come back to work, and if it's okay, maybe pick up more hours and shifts. It would help keep my mind occupied, you know?"

"of course, Mayve, you can come back. You know what, I just had to let someone go, so I'll give you a few of her shifts, okay?" Jo offers, her understanding gaze meeting mine. A sigh of relief escapes me, and I respond, "Thank you so much, Jo. I appreciate it. I'm going to grab something to eat, and then I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

As she nods in agreement, I feel a weight lifting off my shoulders. Returning to work could be a positive distraction during these challenging times, and I'm grateful for Jo's support. 

being the nosey person i am i turn back to her and ask"Hey, Jo, just curious, why did you have to let someone go?" I inquire with genuine interest. Jo takes a moment to respond, her expression thoughtful. "Well, she was consistently late, and we received customer complaints about her service. It seems like good work ethic is becoming rare these days." smiling at her , "Guess punctuality and customer satisfaction are old-fashioned virtues now." she adds on. giving her a small giggle "that true, anyway ill see you later"

Heading out to the front, I weave through the bustling atmosphere of the cafe, exchanging smiles and nods with coworkers along the way. The rhythmic hum of the espresso machine blends with the pleasant chatter of customers enjoying their meals. As I approach the counter, one off my favorite coworkers, Jake, greets me with a warm smile.

"Hey, Maeve! How's it going?" Jake asks, his friendly demeanor making the workplace feel like a second home. "hey jake, its going good, how bout you" instead worrying him with all my troubles.

"Same, oh, I've been thinking of asking Alexis out, but I don't know if she'll say yes," Jake confesses, a tinge of uncertainty in his voice. Rolling my eyes at his self-doubt, I can't help but feel a bit frustrated with Jake's refusal to acknowledge that Alexis might be interested in him. Jake is a genuinely sweet guy, his demeanor akin to that of a golden retriever or a golden lab—loyal, friendly, and eager to please. On the other hand, Alexis, with her sweet disposition and occasional bursts of energy, exudes a more mysterious and elusive aura, reminiscent of a black cat.

"Come on, Jake, have a bit more confidence. I'm sure she likes you," I encourage, offering a supportive smile. of course i'm sure she told me but she also swore me to secrecy, i could be the perfect little cupid "but don't tell her, okay i want to be sure of it " i sigh with frustration, of course he said that, like i could of got a bow and arrow and shoot little message, letting out a little giggle i shake my head at the thought of me doing that.  "Yeah, oh anyway, if you're working tomorrow, I've got a surprise for you," Jake adds, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. The prospect of the surprise sparks my curiosity, and I can't help but wonder what Jake has in store for tomorrow's shift. 

"okay well, i better get going. ill see you tomorrow."



short chapter!!!!

filler chapter????

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