*-chapter twenty-eight-*

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Today is my day off, from both of my jobs. It's Wednesday, so there's not much to do today. I briefly consider visiting my mother, but the thought of potential confrontation with her or worse, encountering John, makes me hesitant.

Sitting on the couch, I take a moment to survey the surroundings of this house. It holds so many memories, both good and bad. But lately, it feels like the bad memories outweigh the good. Each corner, each piece of furniture, seems to hold a story, some joyful, others painful. As I reflect on the past, I can't help but feel a sense of heaviness settle over me.

Shaking off the heavy thoughts, I redirect my focus to something more positive. Last night, I finally figured out how much I'll be paid for my work. It's a relief to know that it's a good amount. and With the additional income from my other job, I'll have some extra money to put into savings. It may not be as much as I'd like, but it's a step in the right direction.

Speaking of finances, I stumbled upon an advertisement for a one-bedroom apartment last night. It caught my eye, offering a potential solution to the ongoing struggle with expenses. my mother wouldn't want me to but she's not the one right now working and she has a roof over her head right now.

Finally deciding to visit my mother, I climb up the stairs to my room and shed my pajamas, exchanging them for a dress. With my purse slung over my shoulder, I step out of the house and make my way to the nearby bus stop. As I wait for the bus, my mind drifts to the upcoming visit. There's a mixture of apprehension and longing within me as I contemplate seeing her again. Despite the challenges we face in our relationship, I know deep down that I need to be there for her, especially in moments like these.

Catching the bus to the stop near the facility, I begin the familiar walk, my thoughts drifting as I tread the well-worn path. Along the way, I stop at the flower shop, selecting a bouquet of flowers with care, each bloom a silent offering of love and hope. With the colorful bouquet in hand, I continue on my journey, the weight of anticipation growing with each step. Arriving at Sunnygoods, I pass through the entrance, exchanging a brief greeting with the receptionist before making my way up to my mom's room. As I approach her door, my heart quickens, the sound of my own footsteps echoing in the hallway. With trembling hands, I knock softly before entering, the familiar sight of my mother bringing a bittersweet pang to my heart. "Hey, Mum," I call out, my voice betraying the nervousness and longing I feel deep inside.

"oh hey sweetheart" my heartbeat steadys, i release a relieved sigh. walking up to mum i hand her the bouquet, "how are you feeling today" i ask

"good john came to visit this morning before work and now you came to visit, i feel like ive havent seen you in a while" the mention of john makes my mood dimmer a little but a least mother missed me and wants to see me.

"oh yeah i have been a bit busy i guess, i started a second job and have been taking longer shifts at the cafe" i tell her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's because of me that you have to do this, I'm sorry," she mumbles out, her voice heavy with regret. I can see the weight of her words reflected in the lines of her face. "Oh, Mum, stop," I say gently, moving to sit beside her on the bed. "I'll do everything for you, you know that." As I speak, I can feel the warmth of her presence comforting me, easing the burden of the moment. "But I guess it's not that bad," I continue, trying to lighten the mood. "When the rent went up, that's when I had to get a second job. But it was easy because my friend offered me a job." Reflecting on this, a sense of gratitude washes over me, reminiscent of simpler times when I would come home from work and curl up on the couch, laying my head on her lap and telling her everything that happened.

"That's nice of your friend, dear. Who is this friend?" she asks, her curiosity piqued.

"His name is Jasper," I reply, a faint smile playing on my lips as I think of him. "He had been coming into the cafe every now and then. Technically, I met him almost three months ago." As the words leave my lips, I can't help but realize how much time has passed since I last saw my mother at home. It's been three months of trying to balance work, worries, and the occasional visit to her bedside.

"that smile you have, tells me that he a bit more than a friend" rolling my eyes at what she says "i suppose so, i have taken a bit of a liking to him lately

"Oh, I'm happy for you," she mumbles out with a smile on her face. "Come here, I need a hug from my daughter," she holds her arm out. I shuffle up towards her, and she squeezes me, a bit too hard, causing me to let out a little yelp.

she holds my shoulder and pushes me back to look at me "what" looking up at her, i cant exactly tell her john kicked me around and bruised my ribs. "nothing"

""No, you're hurt. How? When?" she hurriedly asks.

"Mum, I swear I'm fine," I reassure her.

"Dammit, Mae, it's okay. Tell me what happened," her tone thickens.

"Just a guy getting angry at me," I mutter, frustrated with my lack of creativity in coming up with a more convincing lie.

"what guy" she ask

"Just some random guy," I reply, hoping to brush off her concern. "who maeve" rolling my eyes at her relentless. getting up i look down at her, i can see the concern written all over her face. chewing on my lip nervously i go to say something but get interrupted by a nurse

"I'm sorry, but we have lunch, group therapy, and outside therapy scheduled for today, so visiting is closed off," the nurse explains, casting a glance at my mum, who is still looking at me. "I'm sorry, Mum. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I give her a hug before walking out of the room.


As I stroll towards the café, my phone buzzes insistently in my pocket. With a quick motion, I retrieve it and answer the call.

"Hello?" I greet, recognizing the familiar ringtone.

"Yeah, hey," comes a male voice from the other end, prompting me to check the caller ID.

"Finn, how are you?" I inquire, slightly surprised by his unexpected call.

"ah,so you haven't forgotten about me after all. I've been good. And you?" Finn responds with a chuckle, breaking the ice.

"No, no, I haven't forgotten," I assure him, feeling a hint of curiosity about the reason for his call. "Just busy, you know. Anyway, I've been good."

"That's good to hear. Um, so, anyway, I've been wondering if... we could go on a date this Friday?" Finn's request catches me off guard, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions.

Me? He's asking me on a date. taken aback by Finn's request. Clearing my throat, I respond, "Um, yeah, sure. That sounds nice."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7. Dress nice," Finn replies enthusiastically.

"Yeah, okay. See you then," I say before hanging up the phone, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about the upcoming date.

walking into the cafe i head straight to the counter where alexis and jake are sitting.

"hello my friends" i say very happy. the look at me and smile "hey maeve what's got you all happy"

"so i met this guy, finn, right. and he asked me on a date just then. oh and i saw mum she all happy" i spill

alexis lets out a squeal, she come around the bench and gives me a hug "ooo im so happy for you, i have news to"

"what is it?" i ask. "jake finally ask me on a date last week and now were dating" she says dragging out the finally. "hey i didn't take that long" jake buts in

"Anyway" looking at Alexis "I'm so happy for you"

🥲 I wrote most of this at a train station early in the morning so please 🙏 forgive me

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