*-chapter twenty-*

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*-Jaspers pov-*

As I find myself once again entering the familiar cafe, I can't shake the feeling that this routine has become more than just a habit—it's a small pleasure, a brief respite in my day that I eagerly anticipate.

"Hey, Jasper," her tired voice breaks through my thoughts, accompanied by a gentle yawn. "Coffee and blueberry muffin, right?" she asks, her words punctuated by a genuine smile. I nod in response, unable to suppress the faint flutter in my chest at the sight of her smile. "Okay, got it. I'll bring it over when it's ready."

When she returns with my order, I notice the weariness etched into her features, and I instinctively reach out to gently grasp her arm. "Sit," I suggest, my voice soft with concern as I meet her tired gaze. "Tired?" I inquire, my concern evident as I search her eyes for any sign of strain or discomfort.

"Extremely. Didn't get much sleep last night," she admits, i look at her feeling worried i asked "why" 

she hesitates for a second, why, what wrongs ,"its my mum, she said some horrible things to me yesterday and i couldn't sleep" she finally tells me, i understand that a whole lot, parents are jerks i wish i could tell her how much i understand but my inability to open up cause my dear father all i do is murmur out a "sorry to hear that, people can be......difficult sometimes"

I debate whether to ask her, hesitant to pry into her personal life yet curious about what might be troubling her.

"You don't have to but, why did she lash out?" I ask gently, trying to convey my concern without pressuring her. She hesitates for a moment, her expression guarded as she weighs her response

"You know what? I have no clue. Can I vent? Well, I'm going to vent. Mum has this stupid boyfriend, and he manipulated my mum into thinking, God knows what, but it's obviously something about me because she doesn't want to see me, and the other day she full blown yelled at me because apparently I said stuff about her so called boyfriend" she blurts out, releasing a groan at the end. 

i nods, l trying to figuring out what to say. A few moments later, i speak, trying to make my tone sound absolutely endearing. "Are you sure she doesn't?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. ," she reply with a heavy sigh...

"im sorry" I try to apologise even though, I know sorry doesn't actually do anything. but im completely stumped. 

"nah its fine" she give me a half smile.

We had talked for a while, and I could tell she was opening up to me. She became more talkative, and I could see a hint of relief in her eyes as she shared her thoughts. Suddenly, I heard her stomach grumble, and without a second thought, I pushed over my uneaten muffin to her. She looked surprised but grateful, offering me a soft smile before taking a bite.

Just as we were getting comfortable in each other's company, Alexis, her coworker, came over. "Hey, Maeve, sorry to interrupt, but I need your ass back doing your job" she said with a warm smile. 

"well that's my cue to leave, thank you for the chat jasper" she gives me a smile

"bye mae"

after watching her walk back to the counter, I finish off my food. then getting up to walk ut the door. walking off to the next billion meeting I have booked for now till midnight.


if you cant tell i got bored ;)

(I decide to change this chapter but I can't remember if it was a chapter based on another but it doesn't matter you'll be fine)

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