*~chapter thirty-five~*

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After a bit, I arrive at Sunny Goods. I scan the area, feeling a pang of worry until my eyes land on Mae sitting against a wall. She's huddled up, her posture slumped and her gaze distant. The sight of her like this makes my heart ache. I walk over quickly, trying to keep my footsteps light and soothing.

"Hey, Mae," I say gently, kneeling down in front of her. "I'm here."

Mae looks up, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She manages a weak smile, but it's clear she's exhausted. "Hey, Jasper."

"what happened sweetheart" I whisper out to her, as I take a seat next to her wrapping my arm around he shoulder, she leans on me. I ignore the stares the pedestrians give us.

"I lost my childhood house" she mutters out.

"oh come here" I hold her tighter. 

"hey, you wanna come to mine, Scotts over and my little sisters are over swell." 

Okay, wait, you have sisters?" Mae asks as we get into the car.

"Yeah, twins. Lucy and Melissa," I reply.

"Aww," she coos, a small smile playing on her lips.

After a short drive, we arrive at my house. I open the passenger door for her. Mae mutters a small thank you, and I gesture for her to follow me inside.

As we step into the house, Mae looks around, her eyes wide with surprise. "Ahh, so you're rich, rich."

I laugh at her reaction. "Well, I thought you'd figured that out when you called me."

"Hey!" she protests with a grin, nudging me playfully. we walk to the living room seeing Scott holding Melissa in the air, running around the lounge. 

"JASPER!" Lucy screams as she comes running into my legs. "I was only gone for 25 minutes!"

"Yeah, and I thought I told you to get me chocolate," she retorts with the kind of sass only a five-year-old can muster.

"Yeah, and I thought I told you that you've had enough," I reply, trying to keep my tone light. Lucy rolls her eyes, then turns to face Maeve, her curiosity piqued.

"Who are you?" Lucy asks, her big eyes wide with curiosity.

"I'm Maeve. And what's yours?" Maeve gently says, bending down to Lucy's level.

Lucy raises her hand to Maeve's cheek in a shy but sincere gesture. "You're really pretty."

"Aww, so are you," Maeve replies, her smile warm as she touches Lucy's hand lightly.

Lucy beams at the compliment before looking back at me. "So, Jasper, is she staying over?" she whispers.

I chuckle softly, ruffling Lucy's hair. "The chocolates are in the second drawer," I say, hoping to divert her attention. Lucy's eyes light up, and she darts off toward the kitchen.

Maeve comes over to me, glancing at Lucy as she goes. "So, that one's Lucy. Who's she?" she asks, pointing at Melissa, who is quietly sitting on Scott's lap while watching TV.

"That's Melissa," I say with a fond smile. "She's the polar opposite of Lucy."

Maeve watches Melissa for a moment, noticing the contrast between the two girls. "They're adorable," she comments softly.

"Yeah, they are," I agree, feeling a warmth spread through me. "Melissa's the calm, thoughtful one. Lucy's more energetic and outspoken. They balance each other out."

Maeve smiles, her earlier tension easing as she takes in the lively household. "Thanks for picking me up, I really didn't want to be alone"

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask gently, trying to console her.

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