*-Chapter twentyfive-*

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We walk into a small café not too far from the office, finding a table near the back. I glance at the menu, my eyes scanning the prices, but I can't tell if my stomach is rumbling out of hunger or uneasiness. As I ponder, the bell above the door rings, drawing my attention. Being nosy, I glance over to see who it is—it's John. My mind races with confusion. Why would he be coming here? He won't be able to afford— Suddenly, he's kissing someone who appears to be a waitress before my thoughts can fully form.

Turning my attention back to Jasper, I chew my lip nervously, trying to control my anxiety. I realize he's already staring at me, and without even thinking, I blurt out, "Do you have a staring problem? Wait, that's mean, I didn't mean it like that. Just ignore that," I quickly correct myself, shaking my head at my own foolishness.
It looks like he was going to say something but he gets interrupted by a phone call, quickly he gets up and tells me he'll be back.
feeling increasingly uneasy being left alone, I find myself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. What if John sees me and walks over to yell at me? Maybe I should confront him about cheating on my mom. Are they still together? The last time I saw them, they seemed chummy, but you never really know. She won't speak to me about him, though. She never has. I tried telling her what he did, but she didn't want to hear it and threw her drink at me. That was a long time ago.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I grab onto my knees, trying to stop them from bouncing nervously. The uncertainty of the situation weighs heavily on me as I anxiously await Jasper's return.

"hey ill be your server today what can i get you?!" the waitress loudly spoke startled by the sudden interruption, I jump slightly in my seat. "Umm, I'll get a hot cocoa and a blueberry muffin, but I'm not sure what he wants yet, so maybe come back later," I reply, still a bit flustered. The waitress nods understandingly before bustling off to attend to other customers. Taking a deep breath, I try to regain my composure, hoping Jasper returns soon.

Once Jasper returns, the waitress takes his order, which is just his usual. "You were gone a while, can I ask why you were on the phone? You don't have to tell me, I'm just being nosy," I inquire, trying to keep the conversation light.

"It seems you mixed up a lot of stuff today," Jasper remarks, and I feel the colour drain from my face. "Wait, what do you mean? Oh god, was it the emails? I did like 25 today. Or was it when I was delivering the mail? OMG, was it all that organizing I thought I did amazing on?" I blurt out in panic, feeling the weight of potential failure pressing down on me. "OMG, please don't fire me. I'll go fix it right now. It'll be good as new. See, this is why you get someone qualified. Wait, can you be qualified as an assistant, surely? Wait, I need to stop getting distracted," I ramble, starting to get up to head back to the office, but Jasper stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Sit down, it's fine. I have Scott fixing the emails. The phone call was just him sulking that he had to stay late," Jasper reassures me, his grip on my arm gentle but firm. "now stop worrying"

iI sit there dumbfounded, my mind swirling with a mix of relief and confusion. While I'm still worrying about the mix-up, Jasper's clear and direct communication catches me off guard. It's a stark contrast to his usual manner of muttering. I can't help but wonder why he's chosen to speak so openly now. It's not like him. He's not shy or anything—look at him. Everything he does screams power and authority.

Lost in thought, I remain silent, my gaze fixed on Jasper as I attempt to unravel the mystery behind his unusual behavior. Even when the waitress returns with our food, I fail to utter a word of gratitude, leaving a heavy pit of guilt to settle in my stomach. The weight of my silence only adds to the unease swirling within me.


we've finished our small meal and when i go to pay for mine, jasper has already paid for it, looking at jasper i mutter a small "thank you" to him before saying bye and making my way home.

i dont know how long i was walking for but Panic grips me as I feel someone grab my shoulder, and the next thing I know, I'm pushed against the wall. "I know you saw me with her," John's voice hisses in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I don't know what you're talking about," I manage to stutter out, hoping to diffuse the situation, but it only seems to infuriate him further.

"Don't play dumb with me, my girl," he growls, pressing against my neck with force. "I saw you staring at me. If you tell your mother about that, I'll tell her about that time," he threatens, his words sending a chill of dread through me as memories of past traumas resurface. i stay silent instead of agreeing or disagreeing i stay silent, My body trembles uncontrollably, and tears threaten to spill from my eyes as John's words cut through me like knives. "ANSWER ME!" he shouts, his voice echoing in the confined space. With that, I fully break down, slowly sliding out of his grip and onto the floor, overwhelmed by fear and despair.

"Pathetic girl, all you are is a burden," he sneers, his words like venom. "If you didn't exist, your mother would be fine. She would be healthy with me." His cruel words only intensify my sobs, which seem to enrage him further. he kicks me in my stomach a few times before walking off.

Shaken and bruised, I sit on the ground for a while, collecting myself as best I can. Eventually, I muster the strength to stand up, though my movements are slow and unsteady. Resuming my walk, I proceed with caution, the weight of recent events slowing my pace. Each step feels heavy, but I press on, determined to keep moving forward despite the darkness that threatens to consume me.


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