*-chapter seventeen-*

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*-Jaspers pov-*

As I push open the door to the bustling cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee envelops me in a comforting embrace. Scott's voice drones on in my ear, a constant stream of chatter about everything and nothing. I mutter a barely audible "Scott, can you please stop rambling about random nonsense for just one minute?" into the phone, hoping he'll take the hint and give me some peace and quiet for once. But of course, he continues unabated, his voice a relentless background noise as I navigate through the crowded space, searching for a quiet corner where I can finally sit and enjoy my coffee in peace.

Scott's voice crackles through the phone, interrupting my stroll to the cafe. "Why, I thought you loved hearing my voice," he feigns a pout before gasping dramatically. "Oh, right, you said you're going to the cafe. I don't mean to interrupt your time with her. Maybe this time, ask for her name."

His words strike a chord, and I can't deny the truth behind them. There's an unspoken connection, an inexplicable attraction that keeps drawing me back to that cafe, to her. It's a surprising revelation, one I'm not quite ready to confront.

"Though even not knowing her name, she has you wrapped around her finger already," Scott teases, his words hitting closer to home than I'd like to admit.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm hanging up on you. Bye," I retort, rolling my eyes at his playful banter. "Byeeee! Loveeee youuuu," he annoyingly adds before hanging up.

"Good morning, how can I help you today?" she greets me with a tired smile. Despite the fatigue evident in her eyes, she still looks amazing. Lately, though, she seems to be wearing her exhaustion more prominently.

"Uh, one black coffee and... um, a blueberry muffin," I mutter out, cursing myself inwardly for my lack of expressiveness. Why can't I just speak clearly and confidently without stumbling over my words? Well, at least I managed to add on the blueberry muffin bit. Usually, I wouldn't bother, but she seems to have a way of influencing me. Scott was right; she already has me wrapped around her finger, it seems.

She looks back at me, her expression shifting from confusion to mild surprise at my unexpected remark. "Oh, um, no," she stammers, her voice trailing off uncertainly. Yet, beneath the surface, I detect a glimmer of hope in her eyes, as if my simple comment has sparked a flicker of interest or relief. Catching onto this subtle change, I nod in acknowledgment, silently appreciating the opportunity to engage in a brief moment of conversation with her, however small it may be. 

Today, instead of my usual routine of leaving after placing my order, I make a spontaneous decision to stay. As I enter the café, a coworker points towards a vacant table in her section, suggesting I take a seat there. "hey, can you send her over on her break" i mutter out. she just nods and continues her job


Her break must be now, as she walks over to my table, a muffin in her hand. I nod my head in acknowledgment, indicating that she can sit in front of me. Keeping my gaze lowered, I notice her approaching, a sense of anticipation building within me. As she settles into the seat across from me, I can't help but feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a hint of excitement mingled with curiosity.

"Um, what do you want?" she snaps at me, catching me off guard, but I don't take it to heart.

"What's the matter?" I mutter, trying to make my face show concern. I watch her expression shift through a mix of emotions. "Nothing's wrong," she replies with a half-smile. "I guess I didn't get enough sleep." Despite her words, I can sense there's more to it, but before I can inquire further, she surprises me by asking, "What's your name?" Taken aback by her sudden question, I tell her my name, a flicker of curiosity sparking within me.

"Thats a nice name," she says, and I feel my cheeks tinge with a slight flush. She adds, "Mine's Maeve." Maeve. Maeve. Maeve. Now, that's a nice name.

"Maeve," I say out loud, savoring the sound of it. I find myself drawn to her name, finding it surprisingly pleasing to the ear. Not much was spoken after that. We sit in a comfortable silence, with Maeve enjoying her muffin and me diligently answering my emails.

"Well, I better get back to work. Thanks for the company, Jasper," she informs me, giving me a nod before walking off. My God, I like the way she says my name.

After she leaves, I get up and make my way back to my car. Pulling out my phone, I message Scott, telling him her name: Maeve.

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