*-chapter thirteen-*

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i finished work around 20 minutes ago, instead of going home im going to visit mum As the elevator doors close, you glance at the person in the corner and decide to strike up a conversation. "Hey there, how's your day been?" you ask, trying to break the silence.

The person looks up from their thoughts and gives you a friendly smile. "Not too bad, just another day," they reply. "How about yours?"

You share a brief overview of your day, mentioning that you just finished work and are on your way to visit your mom. The stranger seems interested and asks, "Oh, is everything alright with your mom?"

You hesitate for a moment, debating whether to share your concerns. Eventually, you decide to open up a bit. "Well, she's been having a tough time lately. I'm thinking of talking to her about it today, but I'm not sure how to approach it without making things worse."

The person nods empathetically, "It's never easy dealing with family issues. Sometimes, just being there and letting them know you care can make a difference. But if it's something serious, maybe getting advice from a professional could help."

offering a grateful smile "thank you"

The stranger smiles and extends a hand, "No problem at all. I'm finn. Nice to meet you. And you are?"

i shake hands and introduce yourself, "I'm maeve. Thanks for the chat, finn. I appreciate the advice. Take care!"

With that, i exit the elevator and head towards mum's room, mulling over the advice and wondering how best to approach the conversation with her about John. 

spotting a nurse in the hallway and i approach her with a friendly smile. "Excuse me, I was wondering if I could get some advice from you. It's about my mom and a situation with someone named John. Do you have a moment?"

The nurse nods and replies, "Of course, I'm here to help. What's going on?"

i briefly explain the situation, expressing my concerns about mum's well-being and how John might affect her. i ask for advice on how to approach the conversation with your mom and whether there are any resources or support systems available.

The nurse listens attentively and then offers some guidance. She suggests taking a gentle and understanding approach with my mom, emphasizing my care and concern. She also mentions the availability of support groups for families dealing with similar situations and encourages me to consider involving a healthcare professional if needed.

Armed with this advice, i thank the nurse and make my way to mum's room, feeling more prepared for the conversation ahead. I knock on my mom's door, anxiously waiting for her reply. After a moment, she invites me in. I enter the room, finding her sitting by the window, lost in her thoughts. "Hey, Mum," I say as I enter her room. She quickly turns her head, and there's no hint of happiness on her face. "I thought you would come back with John last time," she remarks, going straight into the heart of the matter. I take a seat in the corner of her room, and as I look at her, I notice she's staring at me. Alright, time to speak. Maeve she'll understand. It's not our fault, so I take a deep breath and begin.

"Uh... um, Mum, I went to the bar he works at," I say hesitantly.

"Yeah, then where is he?" she responds, obviously frustrated. The look on her face makes me reconsider the thought of telling her that John has left with a new girlfriend. I decide to choose a gentler approach. "He's extremely busy right now; the bar has lost some workers, and they need all hands on deck," I explain, trying to soften the impact.

Her frustration seems to soften a bit, replaced by a sigh. "Busy, huh? Always something. I just wish he would communicate more." she has that sad look on her face again going back to her slight rocking. i can hear her brain going haywire.

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