*-Chapter twentysix-*

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With a groan, I wake up earlier than usual. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I get up waddling my way into the bathroom, getting some Panadol out of the mirror I take some before going on to do my morning routine which takes just a little longer than usual which leaves me time to head to the bus stop.

Arriving at the office, I notice the receptionist shooting me a glare, yet again. I can't help but wonder what her issue is with me, but I shrug it off and make my way directly to the elevator. Once inside, I locate my floor's button and lean against the back wall. Today, I've opted for a simple outfit: slacks and a cozy sweater with a turtleneck underneath i supposed last night john did some damage and left some bruises.

As the elevator dings, indicating it's not my floor, I relax a bit. "Oh hey, Maeve, isn't it?" Scott's voice breaks the silence. I glance up to see him standing there. "Yeah, it is," I reply, offering a small wave.

 "Not to be rude or anything, but are you okay?" he asks with concern. I meet his gaze what the hell, is this guy a empath or something anyway I shrug it and reply, "Yeah, I'm fine, just really exhausted right now."

After the elevator doors open, Scott and I head our separate ways. Reaching my desk, I immediately dive into the pile of stuff on my desk, going in and organising what work needs to be delivered and what not.

"Morning, Mae," Jasper greets me as he approaches my desk. "Ah, good, you've got the list. It's almost the same as yesterday," he remarks, glancing over the papers I'm holding. I nod, acknowledging his observation. Jasper continues, "im busy today, so you've got more work" He trails off

"Alright," I reply wearily, my focus returning to the tasks at hand. Today, I'm not in the mood for conversation probably because of last night or i just only have enough for the bills, so that means i can't afford grocery or even anything, im just in my head a lot today. jasper gives a nod before walking back into his office.

About an hour later, Jasper emerges from his office, handing me a stack of paperwork. "These need to be delivered," he instructs briskly. Nodding, I accept the papers and make my way down the hallways, starting with Scott's office as I know exactly where it is.

when I finally reach Scott's door, I give knock, and when he opens it, I quickly hand the paperwork over with a polite smile before moving on to the next person. As I continue the deliveries, I gradually make my way through the stack, ive only got two folders left.

Knocking on the door of a fellow employee, I'm startled when the door opens quickly and a man emerges from it. "What do you want?" he snaps, not bothering to look down at the folders I'm holding out to him.

Without hesitation, I hand one of the folders to him. "This isn't even for me," he retorts angrily, his frustration evident. "What is wrong with you, wasting my time? Do you know what you just did? Why would they even let you work here?"

His barrage of accusations leaves me speechless, feeling the weight of my mistake pressing down on me. Before I can respond, he continues his tirade. "Quit just staring at me, and fix your mistakes now!" he demands, his tone harsh and unforgiving.

Feeling overwhelmed by the encounter and the weight of my mistakes lately, I hastily retreat, my emotions bubbling to the surface. Tears blur my vision as I walk away, unable to contain the flood of emotions that wash over me. Each step feels heavier than the last, burdened by a sense of inadequacy and shame.

Finding a secluded corner, I collapse against the wall, my sobs echoing in the empty hallway. It's as if the weight of the cheese past months has come crashing down on me all at once, leaving me raw and vulnerable. I bury my face in my hands, wishing I could disappear, everything is just too much right now. my ribs hurt, ha even my bank account is hurting. i haven't visited my mother in a while, in fear she might be having a "bad day" .

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