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Freen sat on her bed. Her mind was thinking about Becky. "That girl is mysterious. When I pointed the gun at her, I saw no fear in her eyes and the way she fought with my trained men, prove that she can't be an ordinary girl. I have a strong doubt that she's a secret spy. I'll surely make her spill the truth."

She crossed her legs with a glass of wine in her hand. "She's such a badass. No one in this world dares to face me like that."

The door to her room opened roughly. That was her friend, Rin, she just want to scold Freen as usual.

"This is more than the 55th time you've killed people! Do you want to be a murderer or what!!!" shouted Rin.

Freen covered Rin's mouth with her index finger. "Don't be noisy. Let me enjoying a very beautiful view tonight. It's enough that only one person puts me in a bad mood." She poured a new glass of wine for Rin.

"Stop being a mafia, Freen! This is not you!"

"I won't stop until I find the killer of my family." She threw a bottle of wine on the floor. She was very angry that Saint told her to stop. "After all, mafias like me don't just kill sinners. I also killed the people who wanted to destroy my company too."

"It's the same!"

"Freen, if you want to find the killer of your family, this is not the way."Rin doesn't like Freen's current behavior.

Freen is sending a message to someone. It's none other than Rin's lover. This was the only way to get Rin out of her room and house.

"Rin, your lover is coming to pick you up. You should wait for him outside the house, I already told him that you will wait for him outside."

Rin left without saying anything.

"Don't forget to close the main door of my house before leaving!" shouted Freen.

The room was quiet again. This is what she wants. "Came to my house just to scold me. It's a very useless thing." mumbled Freen. "She lucky she is my friend, otherwise I'll drive her away in a rude way."

Freen squeezed her temple, she was starting to feel dizzy. "I better sleep now." She closed her eyes and fell asleep ignoring the wine glass still there.

Rin looked at Freen's house with an annoying look. "I wish someone would change her like a spoiled cat." mumbled Rin.

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