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Boonpraset and his wife looked at their beloved granddaughter Becky with a look of disbelief.

Boonpraset looked at Freen, "Freen, is what Becky said true?" He waited for Freen's answer with a stern face.

"You'll sleep outside the room tonight if you're honest to this old man," Becky whispered to her while looking at her grandpa.

"Grandpa, what Becky said is true," Freen smiled fakely.

"Grandpa, We have to go now. We'll come again tomorrow." Becky pulled Freen's hand and carried Ian quickly.

Arriving at home, Freen pulled Becky into the bedroom.

"Becky, do you know what you've done wrong today?"

"I didn't do anything."

"You made a mistake as a wife and a woman."

Becky frowned."What did I do?"

"You're touching someone else's cock. You're a woman and my wife, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong!"

"I want to defend myself."

"But that's not how to solve the problem. You can punch him, slap him in the face and kick his cock. Not touching his cock," Freen explained clearly.

"In this case it's my fault, right?"


Becky took the pillow and threw it at Freen. "You sleep outside from now on! Never sleep in this bedroom and Ian's bedroom."

"What the heck?!"

Becky pushed Freen's body out of the house. "Don't ever sleep in any room either."

"BB, I just wanted to act with you."

Becky closed the bedroom door harshly. "As long as I'm still angry, you can't sleep in the room."

Freen kicked the room door harshly and left. She lay on the couch staring at the ceiling.

"Daddy, why are you lying here?" asked Ian.

"Your mommy kicked me out."


"I don't know,boy."

Ian nodded his head. He took his toys and went straight to the bedroom.

Now only Freen was left alone in the living room area. She was thinking of a way to sleep with her beloved wife who was sulking like a baby.

"How can I sleep with her? Oh! The duplicate key is in the kitchen drawer. I'll use that key to open the door."

Freen looked for the key in all the drawers in the kitchen but it was not there. "Why isn't there? I distinctly remember keeping it in the kitchen drawer. There's no way a rat would eat a duplicate key." She walked back and forth. Her brain was working hard to remember where the key was if not in the kitchen.

"Nevermind. I'll pretend to be sick. She won't let me sleep alone when I sick," Freen said proudly of her ingenious plan.

Freen knocked on the door of the room where Becky was. She knocked it very harshly.

"My love, I'm sick. I want to cling to you. My body is cold!!" shouted Freen.

Freen used both hands to knock on the door of the room.

Becky saw Freen from outside Ian's room. She put Ian to bed earlier but she locked the bedroom door first before going to Ian's room.

"Are you done knocking it? If done, i will come in."

"I have a stomachache. Is it okay if I sleep with you, wifey?"

Becky looked Freen up and down. "Are you really sick?" She felt Freen was pretending to be sick.


"You can sleep with me. I will take care of you. I don't want you die."

Becky took the medicated oil that was inside the drawer. "Have you used this yet?"

"I already use it."

"Good," said Becky and nodded her head several times. She lay down next to Freen when she felt her sleepy aura already coming.

Freen hugged Becky tightly. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"Don't apologize, my hottie. I should be the one apologizing."

"I forgive you even though you haven't said it first."

Becky returned Freen's hug. "Thank you, my hottie for accepting my apology."

"Welcome. What are we doing in Japan for our first day staying there?"

"Only in the room."

"Huh?!" Freen didn't like Becky's suggestion. It will be boring day. "If that's your plan, we better not go."

"I'm not telling you to sit like a statue in the room. We're going to do something fun."

"Something fun?!"

Becky showed her smirk to Freen.

"Oh! I know. Let's do it until our honeymoon is over," said Freen with enthusiasm.


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