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All eyes were on Freen. They are waiting for a confession from Freen herself about what Becky said earlier is true or not.

"It's true." Freen said. She told everything that happened between her and Becky. She also told why she did all that.

"You did all that not for her safety either but to show that you are heartless and the devil. Admit it!" said Namtan who was not satisfied with the reasons gave by Freen.


"You are afraid that she will become your weakness when you're still looking for your parents' killer right?" James raised one eyebrow with a feeling of wanting to know more about Freen and Becky.

"Maybe." said Freen, crossing her arms. She snorted harshly as she recalled Becky's face that was so sad.

White recounts the tragedy that befell Becky's parents to Freen. Freen felt guilty about that.

"I am sorry."

"You should apologize to Becky. I will also apologize to her." said Ciize.

"Ciize, Freen's apology will not be accepted by Becky. No matter how hard she tries, it won't happen." Net said. "She's not like other girls."

Nam reprimanded White who was very seriously playing on her phone while her brow furrowed. "What are you doing? Are you playing a game?"

"No. I ordered milk tea."

"Why are you so serious untill your eyebrows are furrowed order milk tea?" asked Nam.

"Becky will be happy to have her favourite milk tea even if she still angry. For example when Freen gave her milk tea, she didn't refuse it." explained White. "But it's kinda sus."

"Isn't she afraid that the milk tea that Freen gave has poison in it?" asked Rin.

"This is what I find very strange. All this time she would refuse milk tea from stranger. She only receives milk tea from her friends and family, which is us."

"How about you Freen? How do you want to apologize to her?" Net said.

"I will give her necklace and her parents villa."

"Huh?" All eyes were on Freen. Freen took out the necklace from the luggage and showed it to all of them. "This is Becky's real necklace. I thought I'd give it to her when I meet her."

"This is a picture of Becky's parents' villa. You can all see the date when this picture was taken. It is well maintained by my men." explained Freen.

"But you have one problem." said James.

"What is it?"

"You won't get Becky. The two of you can only be friends, nothing more than that if she has forgiven you. She already have a husband and son" said James.

"You really like to bring up another topic in our discussion.", Heng hit James on the head. "It's hurt, Heng!", hissed James.

"I want to give this necklace and picture to Becky now." said Freen. She ignored what James said earlier.

"We want to go with you too. We want to apologize to Becky." said Ciize.

They all headed to Becky's room. They were surprised to hear Becky's conversation in the room. Becky didn't realize she was being stalked by them.

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