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Freen walked towards her slowly. "Tell me your motive." She stopped not far from Becky.

As Becky heard Freen deep voice, she turned around and her eyes sparkled and lips curved into a broad smile because finally, she saw her.

Freen strode to Becky, "Why are you smiling like an idiot?" she asked in a glacial tone.

"Do I have to ask permission before smiling?" asked Becky. She really likes to make Freen annoy.

Freen grasped her arms and pinned her against the wall in fury.

"Do you want to fuck me in here?" asked Becky again. "Oh..you can't fuck me tho. I'm sick today. I think you as a woman know what I mean."

Freen flicked her forehead. "I don't have time to talk about the stupid things you talk about. Now, answer my question, why were you checking all the rooms?" She roared at her. Becky flicked a bit but she's still gazing deep into her eyes.

"It's useless to tell you the truth because you won't believe it." Becky rolled her eyes answered Freen in anger.

"What truth?" Freen asked in a serious tone, staring at her darkly.

"I want to find you." Becky said with a smile that never faded on her face. "You look hotter when you are annoying like this." She winked at Freen.

Freen sighed deeply before leaving her arms.

For the first time, a girl is driving her crazy. Deep inside she knows Becky's telling her truth, but her mafia mind is doubting her again and again because she isn't behaving like an ordinary woman.

"I'm warning you for the last time. Don't you dare enter my club again! If you enter my club, I will shoot you without thinking twice." Freen moved to her. "Mark my words in your dumb brain!" She warned Becky sternly, giving her deadly stare.

"I'll think about it later, but if I want to see your face again, can I come to your mansion?" Becky asked politely and acting innocent as long as she can.

Freen fumed and clenched her fist in anger. "No!"

Freen opened the main door. Two guards are standing outside with the rifle. Freen seized her wrist and pushed her out without looking at her.

Freen closed the door immediately.

Becky pouted disappointedly when the door closed in front of her eyes. "Miss Hottie is so rude." mumbled her.

Becky left the area of ​​Freen's mansion when she felt that Freen would not come out to meet her. "I will see you again, Miss Hottie."

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