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Becky sat next to her and whispered, "Do you like the view?" she asked, tracing the tip of her index finger down her cheeks erotically.

"Stop seducing me, badass girl." Freen grasped her wrist and said in a warning tone, glaring at her.

Becky moved closer to her face, gazing at her passionately, their lips are only a few inches away. "I won't stop untill you are mine." she whispered and as her warm breath stroked Freen lips, the electricity of desire rushed down her spine and her body started burning with desires.

Freen forgot about her anger and yanked her down by grasping her waist, Becky directly fell onto her laps. It seems like Becky's hypnotising her.

They both gazed into each other intensely and their lips are only a few inches away. Freen breath is falling on her lips. She's moving closer to Becky, accelerating her heartbeat and making her breath heavy. Her intense eyes are gazing into Becky bewitching black eyes and one of her hands gliding up her thighs into her T-shirt.

Her other hand are clasped around Becky's neck and pulling her closer to herself.

Becky is ready to accept what will Freen do to her body even though just now she said it was not the right time to make a mini Freen. Her body on fire because of Freen warm touch and their proximity.

"Your skin is as soft as a baby. I think your pussy must be soft like this too. This is drives me insane."  Freen whispered in her ear huskily.

They both are utterly lost in each other. Their proximity is driving them crazy. Freen felt herself addicted to Becky's body scent.

She suddenly pushed Becky.

"You just want to hear me talk like that, don't you?" As Freen asked, Becky narrowed her brows.

"You are not my type, so stop wasting your time in seducing me with your..." Freen looked at her from top to bottom. "Not sexy body. You are like a woman who lacks love." she said curtly, waggling her finger at her. Her words hurt Becky heart a bit.

Freen stormed out of the room in anger. She is angry at herself because she can't control herself.

"Oh, God! What have I done? How can I lose control over myself? This girl really making me insane with her boldness and sassy attitude. I must stay away from her!" Freen murmured to herself and decided to stay away from her, not knowing that now she can't stay away from her.

She's not aware that she becomes restless when she isn't around her and jealous when Becky seems so friendly with other people.

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