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Becky, who heard the sound of footsteps approaching where she and Net were, quickly turned her head slightly. "Miss Hottie" Becky smiled widely at Freen. "Is your work done? Let's go into my room."

Net frowned. "Miss Hottie?!" mumbled Net. Net looked at the woman in front of him from top to bottom. "No bad." he said slowly.

Freen just looked at them blankly without saying anything. She go into Becky's room without glared at Becky ever so slightly. Becky patted Net's chest hard as Net daydreamed. "Take me inside!" She said firmly.

Net placed Becky gently on the bed.

"Don't you dare flirt with my woman. She is only mine. No one can take her from me." Becky whispered in Net's ear. "If you don't want me to cut off your cock and pull out your nipples, you better not tempt her. Just take care of yourself and find another woman."

Net pushed Becky's head roughly. "I already have a girlfriend, idiot."

"Good" Becky gave her thumb ups.

"Becky, I hope you don't rape that woman when I walk out of here. From my point of view, you really want to rape her."

Becky pinched Net's arm. "I know I have a bold personality, but I will not do such a thing. Do not slander me."

"I don't believe you. You can fool others with this baby face of yours, but not with me." Net said. He deliberately wanted to make Becky angry.

"Do I have to show my virginity in front of you, a man with small cock? A small cock cannot satisfy a woman's passion."

"Do you want to embarrass me in front of that woman?" Net pointed towards Freen who was busy doing her own work. Her earphones never left her ears.

"No. I'm a good girl. I don't dare slander you without proof." Becky showed her innocent face.

"I'd rather go than listen to what comes out of your mouth. For your information, my cock is big. I can make girls out there addicted to my cock only."

"It's not good to talk dirty in front of me." said Becky.

Net rolled his eyes. He left with an angry feeling.

Becky looked at Freen then threw a pillow at Freen to get her attention. Freen only glanced at her then went back to her work.

Becky threw another pillow at Freen again. Freen took off her earphones and went towards Becky.

"Miss Hottie, sit here I want to talk to you."

"Are you married to Net?" asked Freen.

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