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Friend, Freen and Becky enjoy their breakfast at the table. In front of her are Friend and Freen who are focused on eating.

"Becky, you drink like a child." Friend cleaned the remaining coffee whipped cream from Becky's lips.

"Why are you cleaning her lips when she can clean it by herself?" asked Freen.

"Because I like her. She's so adorable like a plushie."

Freen clenched her fists. She closed her eyes and let out a rough breath. She then left the two of them at the dining table.

"Becky, are you going to spend your time here alone today?"

"I want to go somewhere." said Becky.

"Can I accompany you?"

Becky nodded her head.

Becky, who knew she was not allowed to go out without Freen's permission ask Friend to take her quietly. After getting into Friend's car, Friend drove her car at high speed.

"Take me to the royal burial ground." said Becky to Friend.


"You will know later."

Friend nodded her head. Becky's mood is not so good today. It's all Freen's fault.

"Why do you seem in a bad mood today?" Friend started her conversation between Becky.

"I'm so mad at your cousin!"

"What has she done?"

"She always yells at me! Why can't she be sweet like you?" asked Becky.

"I don't know."

Becky let out a deep breath. They both remained silent until they reached their destination.

"We're here!" Friend informed Becky.

Becky went to her parents grave. She started sobbing.

"Mom, dad. I came to see you two. I haven't come for a long time. I'm sorry for rarely visiting you two lately. I have become the child you both hoped for. Hmm...I want to say that I'm in love with someone.She is very cold and likes to threaten me with her gun. If dad was here, dad would have fought with her for threatening her beloved princess." Becky laughed a little.

Friend touched Becky's shoulder. "We have to go back. Freen called me earlier, she told me to take you back."

"I still want to be here."

"I will give you 30 minutes." said Friend.

"Thank you."

Friend left Becky alone there. Becky tells everything that she has been through to her parents.

After 30 minutes, she looked at the graves of her mom and dad alternately.

"Mom, dad. I will come again if I have time. I promise to bring my partner to meet you both. I will bring mini Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, I mean mini me."

Becky then got out of there. She got into Friend's car. Friend drives her car at a very fast speed.

"Don't drive fast. I'm not your cousin's wife yet. I don't want to die before marry her." shouted Becky.

"I was afraid she would scold me. She's fiercer than a lion in a zoo!"

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