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Nop was casually lying on the bed while Becky leaned her back against the door she had closed, looking at Nop.

"What should we do now? Ian's custody will fall to his biological father's family at any time. If they take this case to court, we will not win, Nop. Both of us are not related by blood or family to Ian." Becky said to Nop, who was still lying relaxed in bed.

"We raise the white flag." joked Nop.

Becky hit Nop's back very hard when Nop was already sitting on the bed. "We have promised Irin and William to take care of Ian." She took the thick file that Nop had brought earlier and flipped through all the papers.

"Ian's custody still belongs to us as long as the identity of his biological parents is not revealed. They only know the gender of Irin and William's child but do not know Ian's name and face. That mean, we should not worry. Let's eat." Nop pulled Becky's hand to stand up.

"You and I will skip dinner." Becky let go of her wrist roughly. "I want us to work together to find the crime case of William's family."

Nop wanted to pretend to sleep after hearing what Becky said. He, who was almost lying on the bed, was pulled by Becky roughly until his shirt was torn.

"Don't give too many excuses!"

"Are you the devil incarnate?!" asked Nop.

"Please be serious!"

Nop caressing the back of his neck that doesn't itch. "Sorry!" He apologizes to Becky. "Becky, we have searched many times for the William family's criminal case but have not found it. I don't want to work in vain. We better focus on Ian first."

"No, Nop. We have to prepare early so they can't fight us." Becky handed the laptop to Nop. "Do your job well. Do not sleep!"

"Fine. This is for the sake of our friend's son."

"Yea." Becky smiled widely.

White, Net, Freen and her friends are spending time watching television with Ian and the children of Freen's friends.

"What are they both doing in the room? Are they sleeping? Or have sex?" asked Nam.

"Do not ask us. You can ask Becky yourself." said White.

"Today we all sleep in the living room. It must be best to sleep together. The boys sleep on that side, the girls sleep on this side." Net said.

"Where should children sleep?"

"That room." Net showed the room where Ian slept this morning. "The mattress is quite thick and they can get up on their own without us worrying about them."

"We just follow what you two plan as long as it's the best." said Rin.


It was now 3 am, Becky closed her laptop with sad feeling. She looked at Nop and woke his up.

"Wake up, Nop. You have to go to the airport now. You'll be late!"

Nop woke up from his sleep. "I woke up." he said.

"Did you manage to find their criminal case?"

"No." said Nop. "I want to clean myself before I go. You can sleep."

"Then clean yourself up. Wait for me outside the mansion. I prepared some snacks for you."


After a few minutes, Becky saw that Nop had left the mansion with some snacks she prepared.

"I feel tired now. Why does White want everyone to sleep together in the living room? What is the use of a bed in each room if it is not used? Stupid!"

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