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Freen takes Becky to sleep in a penthouse. Freen's face look furious all the way to their penthouse because Becky brought Ian with her. She thought she could spend her time with Becky by seduce her.

Once there, they do their own work. Becky accompanied Ian to watch cartoons while lying in bed while Freen was busy with her phone while lying next to Ian.

"Ian, do you want siblings?"

"Mommy, I want but I'm afraid mommy doesn't love me anymore. I'll be a big boy one day." said Ian.

"Hey, Mommy will love you. Even when you grow up, mommy will love you." Said Becky.

"Ian. It doesn't matter when you grow up, mommy and daddy will always love you." explained Freen.

Ian nodded his head.

"You should sleep now. It is not good for good boy to sleep late." said Becky. She covered Ian's small body with blanket.

Freen turned off the room light. She continued to be busy with her phone. Becky just shook her head.

After making sure Ian was asleep, Becky decided to go to sleep too.

"Babe, please stop playing your phone Can you sleep now?"

"Can you cuddle me when I sleep?" asked Freen.

Becky moved Ian to the side of the bed. She lay in the middle between Ian and Freen.

"Come on, my big baby. I will cuddle you tightly!"

"Ouwhhh my BB so sweet!" Freen kissed Becky's lips many times.

"Babe, where are we going for our honeymoon?" asked Becky.


Becky nodded her head.

They slept hugging each other. Freen opened her eyes to see Becky's sleeping face then closed her eyes again.

Becky woke up earlier than Freen and Ian. She looked at her phone with a sad look.

She put her phone on the table and went to the pool. She pondered then plunged into the water.

After she finished swimming, she returned to her room and changed her clothes.

"Good morning, BB." Freen hugged her from behind.

"Good morning." Becky faked a smile.

"Ian and I have showered. Let's have breakfast at the cafe today."


Boonpraset and her wife paced back and forth in the living room. They were both afraid that Becky would do something crazy. Today is the day that Becky hates because it is the same date that her parents died.

"I don't think she will do something crazy. Freen is with her." said her wife.

"We cannot guarantee anything. Every year when this day comes, she will do crazy things until someone has to stop her."Boonpraset's heart is not calm.

"We couldn't get Leon to come back here as soon as possible but he promised he would come back as soon as possible after he's finished the test."

At noon, Freen and her family were already in their new home. She took Becky and Ian to explore all areas of the house.

"Do you two like it?"

"I like it, Babe."

"BB, I want to buy food now. Do you want to come or not?" asked Freen. She caressed Becky's cheek and kissed her forehead.

"I don't want to come with you. I want to rest my body."


"Daddy, I want to come" Ian pulled the hem of Freen's shirt to get her attention.

"Hmm.." Freen carried Ian.

Now at home, only Becky is left. Becky opened her phone. She saw the picture of her parents and cried.

"I hate today." mumbled her.

She spent her time crying.

"I want to follow both of you." said Becky. "I miss you. I miss you both every day. I'm jealous of people who have a complete family consisting of a mother and a father."

Becky went to the kitchen and got a knife. She gripped the knife until her hand bled.

Freen and Ian turned back to the house when she already read the message from Boonpraset about Becky.

She didn't have time to open the message from her phone earlier because she was busy taking Becky and Ian for a walk.

She asked Becky's family to come to her house to see how Becky was doing because Becky's cousins ​​were very possessive of Becky. They were afraid Becky would get hurt.

Arriving at home, Freen searches for Becky's whereabouts. She went to the kitchen. Her eyes widened when she saw Becky's blood on the kitchen floor.


"Keep yourself away from me!" 

"Becky! Please put the knife down. Please don't do this kind of thing. I don't want to lose you." Freen sobbed. "Please. If not for me, do it for your family and Ian."

"Family?! My mother and father are dead!"

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