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There is only one empty place between Namtan and Freen.

"I don't have the energy to fight with her. It's better to just sleep." Becky said and laid herself down.

She closed her eyes to sleep. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, the sound of a child's cry was heard in the room. Rin and Namtan both woke up.

Namtan woke Becky from her sleep because Ian was also crying.

"Your child is crying, Becky!"

Becky woke up from her sleep. She sat down and pensive  for a while. Freen also woke up from her sleep when she heard children crying.

Becky lazily went to the room and carried Ian. "What do you want, Ian?"


Becky took him to bed with her. She laid Ian between her and Freen. Freen saw Becky, and so did Becky. "Why are you looking at me? If you want to fight, wait until my energy is full." said Becky.

She patted Ian back to sleep as she closed her eyes.

It was already 9 am, Becky hadn't woken up yet. They all decide to leave Becky alone in the mansion. They want to have fun with the activities they already have plans.

"I will not follow you all. I want to do my work," said Freen.

"Ok." said Heng.

"Ian, you go with your aunt, okay? Your mommy is still sleeping. She's still tired." Rin said.


They all left. Only Freen and Becky lived in the big mansion now.

Becky woke up from her sleep after a few hours. She took all her pillows, blanket and mattress to the room where she put all her things.

She cleaned herself and went downstairs. She just noticed that the atmosphere of the mansion was very quiet. She took out her phone from her pants pocket and read the message from Net.

"yes! Finally, I can rest in peace without taking care of Ian! Being a mommy is so hard" said Becky.

She went to the kitchen. Her eyes looked at Freen, but she did not greet Freen.

Becky took some snack from the cabinet and ate it at the dining table.

"Don't look at me like you want to pounce on me. Please remember that I already belong to someone else. After all, I'm not your type." Becky said while drinking her own hot coffee.

"I didn't think you had moved on from me." Freen smirked at her.

"Do I have to shoot you again to make you believe me?"

"Whatever. I will forever be your Miss Hottie. Wait and see what will I do." said Freen confidently.

"Only a fool person would ruin someone else's happiness, my ex Miss Hottie." Becky said in a slightly high pitched voice.

"I can't believe you've moved on so fast."

"Like I said earlier, do you want me to shoot you again? Anyway, if I still don't move on. I will not return to Thailand and get married too." said Becky.

Freen just kept quiet.

"You will not be able to destroy the family I have built now, Freen. It is not possible to happen. As a wife and mother of one child, I will destroy you first." Becky gave her a sharp glare. "Just because you have fallen in love with me, you want to destroy the family I have built!! So stupid!"

Freen clenched her fists.

"You are the one who makes me hate you. You deserve to be treated like trash!" said Becky. She splashed Freen with a bottle of mineral water and left.

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