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They heard the sound of gunfire getting closer.

Freen grasped her hand firmly. "We have to run from here, they are around us." Becky slightly nodded at her.

Becky carried Ian on her arms. They are running in the dense forest hand in hand, panting and sweating, trying to escape the danger but they don't know where they are heading. Freen is petrified for her. She wants to protect her at any cost.

Their eyes dilated in horror as few rival men came in front of them, they smiled devilishly at them.

Freen hastily slid her hand into her pocket to take out the gun.

"Give the boy to us!"

"No!" shouted Becky.

Freen quietly gives Becky the gun. "Please be serious this time!" said Freen firmly.


The two of them fought hard against the group of men. Although Becky was in trouble for the shoot because she had to carry Ian, it wasn't a problem.

"Becky, please be careful!" shouted Freen.

"I know, Miss Hottie!" shouted Becky.

Becky was so focused on fighting them that she didn't notice a man behind her about to shoot her.

Freen protects Becky with her body.

"Freen!!!"Becky screamed and hastily hit the other two men in fury.

She sat down and placed Freen's head on her lap, tears are streaming down her cheeks mechanically and she is looking at her with her sorrowful eyes.

"Why did you save me?! You're not a robot that can live many times!"  Becky scolds Freen. She doesn't want to lose her.

For the first time in her life, she is afraid, afraid to lose her.

Freen smiled at her faintly and uttered with difficulty. "No matter what," she took a deep breath and continued, "I'll always protect you and our son."

She added, "If I stay alive."

Becky became hysterical and cried profusely. "No, nothing will happen to you!"

She took out Freen's phone and called White.

"White, I'm Becky," She sobbed. "Please reach here as soon as possible. Freen got shot!" She informed White,crying miserably.

"We have traced the location and reaching there. Please don't let Freen fall unconscious." White answered her.

Freen is just looking at her,trying hard to keep her eyes open.

"Please hurry up!" Becky said and disconnected the call. She cried, looking at Freen.

Freen raised her handa and wiped her tears with thumb, "Don't cry. I will be fine. Look, Ian also cried watching you cry like a baby."

"Please don't joke, Freen. You have to be fine, okay?"

Freen's eyes are getting closed. "Don't close your eyes! You must hold it." Becky implored frantically after cupping her face and moving closer to her face,tears are constantly trickling down her face. She is frightened to lose Freen.

She sucked Freen's lips softly and lovingly. As her lips met her lips, Freen got some kind of instant energy. Becky's lips did magic over her.

"Please stay with me." Becky whispered against her lips, squeezing her eyes shut and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

She pulled away from Freen and they gazed into each other eyes intensely and deeply.

"I don't like tears in your eyes." Freen rubbed her tears with her thumb and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Please," Becky sniffled and continued, "be with me."

Freen murmured, "I'm always with you, BB."

Freen's hand suddenly fell and she became unconscious.

Becky became terrified and cried,hugging her tightly. "No,no, Freen! You can't leave me like this! Open your eyes! Please! I beg you!" She wept, appalled to lose her because she is the first person that she fall in love.

White already reached into the forest with her men and friends. Hugo became horrified as he saw Becky weeping, hugging Freen. He rushed to them.

He sat down and held Freen's wrist to check her pulse. He sighed with relief because Freen is alive.

"Becky, she's alive. She has just become unconscious." He tried to make Becky understand but she isn't listening to him. So White held Becky's hand and placed it over Freen's heart.

Becky got her breath back as soon as she heard Freen soothing heartbeat. She closed her eyes and sighed with profound relief.

She opened her eyes and stared at Freen with a relieved smile and teary smile.

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