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"Why both of you sitting together?" asked Freen while drinking the milk tea she made for herself.

David and Becky were still focused on talking to each other. Freen felt furious when her question was not answered by the two of them.

"David!!!" Freen shouted and caught their attention. David and Becky looked at Freen blankly.

"What are you doing here?" asked her in anger.

David can clearly see that she's jealous. "Boss, Becky asked me to accompany her." He stifled the laugh because it's funny for him to see his boss getting jealous of him.

"David, you go get your work done now. Let me accompany her!" Freen pushed David's body a little and sat next to Becky. Becky is just smiling because she can also see that Freen is jealous.

"Okay, boss." David stood up and walked to the door but before stepping out, he turned and said, "take care yourself, Becky. I will see you later."

"Thanks, David." said Becky.

"What were you two doing earlier?" asked Freen.

"We were just chatting."

"Are you a baby who needs to be accompanied at all times? Haishhh...if you're bored. Please sleep tho."

Becky saw the milk tea that Freen was drinking. She swallowed her saliva.

"Did you hear what I said?!" shouted Freen.

"Please stop shouting at me."

Freen rolled her eyes.

"Can I have your milk tea?" Becky snatched Freen's milk tea and drank it.

"You better not ask for permission if you've already drunk it, brat!

Suddenly, a girl who was a year older than Becky came. "Freen!!! I'm home!!" shouted her.

Freen and Becky stood up. Freen shook her head at her cousin, Friend. That woman likes to make a fuss when she returns.

Friend took the milk tea held by Becky and drank it. Becky kicked her leg hardly.

"Ouch.. it's hurt!"

"As usual. Your room is next to mine. You can rest now." said Freen.

"Who is this cute girl? Her face is like a baby. Is she your girlfriend?"

Becky extended her right hand to shake Friend. "My name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. The youngest granddaughter of king Boonpraset untill now. I'm not your cousin's girlfriend but soon to be her wife."  she smirked.

"Brat, please don't daydream." said Freen. "She is the one who got me in trouble. She has to stay here until everything is settle by me and my men." she explained to Friend.

"Ohhh...but is she really a member of the royal family?"

Freen nodded her head.

"Freen, are you stupid or not? They can take care of Rebecca like you take care of her here. No one dares to hurt a member of the royal family unless that person does not want to see the world anymore. After all, everyone who works under the king is reliable in terms of shooting, punching, etc." said Friend in detail. She looked Freen up and down. "Is there another reason you want her to stay here?"

Becky saw Freen's face.

"Don't pretend you're so smart, Friend."


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