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A man bumps Becky's wheelchair from behind. The man proceeded to apologize face to face to Becky.

"It's okay." said Becky.

The man saw Becky's face and was surprised. "Becky?! What are you doing in the hospital? Why are you sitting in a wheelchair? What's wrong with you?" asked the man.

"Net?!" Becky was surprised too. "Since when have you been in Thailand?"

"I've been in Thailand for three days."


Net looked Becky up and down. The curiosity about what happened to her cousin deepened.

"Now answer my question. What are you doing here?" asked Net.

"I am planting flowers here. Can't you see I'm planting flowers?"

Net knocked Becky on the head. "When I ask, please answer seriously."

"I fell out of a tree when I was trying to save a kitten. I can't walk for weeks or months." Becky gave Net a really good reason. If she tells what really happened, she will be scolded alive by their grandparents.

"Do grandma and grandpa know about this?"

"No. Can you not tell them? I don't want they worried about me." Becky shows her cute face.

"You always make them worry. Since when did you never make them worry?"

"Since my old version already die." said Becky lowered her head. "Oh...since you here, carry me to my own room." She held out her hand.

Net carries Becky like bridal style. "You are very heavy. What did you eat until you are as heavy as an elephant?" Net joked.

Becky pinched Net's cheek. "I'm light. Don't lie to me, a man with a small cock."

"LOL. How you know if my cock is big or small? Have you ever seen it? You are a pervert!"

Becky flinched Net's forehead hardly. "Bastard! I was just guessing only." she rolled her eyes.

"Can you not be rude? A princess should be gentle."

"Oh....do you want me to be gentle to you? Okay...okay.." Becky looked at Net sharply. "Hubby!!!! Why didn't you take care of me last night? Did you sleep with another girl last night?" Becky asked loudly. She wanted to embarrass Net. "You had sex with another girl when I was in the hospital! What kind of man are you!!!" Becky sobbed.

Net felt himself being stared  by the people around them with sharp and angry eyes. Net swallowed his saliva.

"Stop your dumb act!" whispered Net.


Freen went towards them with a sharp look. She overheard Becky calling Net, "hubby".

"Hubby" giggled Becky.

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