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"My motive is to see you at the club but I didn't expect this happened. I mean, you follow me until I reach my mansion." Becky smile widely.

"Follow me now! I have a good way for you to speak honestly!" Freen seized her wrist and dragged her to the car.

Becky released her wrist by stepping on Freen's feet. "You don't have to force me to go with you. I'll gladly go with you." She got into Freen's car elegantly.

Freen got into the car in a state of anger.

"Who told you to be rude to your future wife?" asked Becky. She brought her face closer to Freen's face. Freen pushed Becky's face harshly. "Don't sit too close to me, if you don't want to die in this car."

"Oh...If I die. You will be lonely and cry later."

"Shut up!" Freen's fuming in anger because Becky's annoying her with silly behaviour.

"Okay, Hottie." Becky placed her index finger on her lips and meekly nodded her head before sit properly in the car.

After one hours, they reached at Freen's mansion.

Freen directly took Becky to her torture room by grasping her wrist. Becky's eyes dilated in shock as Freen switched on the light.

The room is dark and filled with torture equipment. Freen's keenly observing her every expression.

"Is this a torture room? Did you torture people here?" Becky asked curiously, looking back at Freen. There is no fear at Becky's eyes. Her eyes only filled with with curiousity.

Freen became shock when she saw no fear in her eyes. She thought Becky would get afraid of seeing the torture room but she's different. She's fearless.

"Yes, this is my torture room. I'm going to torture you untill you spill out the truth."  Freen said, staring at her darkly.

"You will waste your time on me." said Becky. "Instead of you torturing me, how about you do BDSM with me?" Becky grinned at her. "Imagine your long finger fingering my pussy. You can taste my squirting as much as you want."

"Shut up!!! Sit on the chair now, Miss Armstrong" Freen pushed Becky's body.

"Hey, please respect your future wife." said Becky.

"I don't have a wife. Even if I get married, I won't marry you!"

"LOL...are you really sure? Don't be so confident. Later you will simp on me" said Becky again.

"100% sure" said Freen confidently.

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