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"Hey,Becky. How many children do you want?" She asked casually.

"Don't know. Friend, where is Freen's room?"

"You go to the second floor. The gray door with the black line is Freen's room. We cannot enter her room without her permission. She'll be as angry as the Hulk later."

"If that's the case, I'll be the first person to enter her room without permission. No one can stop me." Becky flew few hair strands away from her face.

"You are very brave." Friend clapped her hand. She saluted Becky's courage.

"Thank you, Friend. I should go now."

Freen is standing beneath the shower, the water is cascading down her extremely attractive body.

"What is happening to me? I don't want to fall in love now. Love makes people weak. I have to do something with this badass girl."  murmured her.

Becky stepped into Freen's room, smiling mischievously. She pouted in disappointment when she didn't find her Miss Hottie in the room.

Her eyes glinted with anticipation as she heard the sound of water from the bathroom.

"So, she's in the bathroom. I'm so excited to see her naked body." She squealed with excitement.

She rushed to the bathroom and luckily the door of the bathroom unlocked by Freen, she smiled broadly. She pushed the door slowly and her heart was beating fast when she saw Freen, standing under the shower only in boxers.

Freen's standing far from her but still, she's making Becky breath heavy with her hotness. The water coursing down her hot body is arousing her desire and burning her body.

Becky bit her lower lips, gawping at her wet body. She wants to suck all the water droplets from every inch of her body.

"What a nice view. I am very lucky. I forgot to bring my phone to take a picture of her body."

After catching her breath back, she uttered ,"Hey, Miss Hottie, you are very sinful. Who told you to shower without taking me? We must shower together." As her euphonious voice reached Freen's ear, Freen instantly opened her eyes and stared at her in shock.

Becky grinned at her goofily, "Let's take a shower together." She pulled off her top and dropped it down on the floor. She's only in blue denim short and a black lace bra.

Freen widened her eyes in shock and dashed to her after turning off the tap. She picked up the big towel and wrapped it around Becky body. She also took Becky's clothes and gave it to her.

"Are you crazy? Wear the top and get lost from my room!" Freen snarled at her.

"Could you make me wear it, Miss Hottie?" She put her top on Freen's shoulder, making Freen angrier.

Freen harshly grasped her arm and pushed her out of the bathroom, fuming in anger.

"You are not allowed in my room!" She yelled out at her in fury, holding the door.

As she slammed the door, Becky screamed out because she placed her foot inside so that Freen couldn't able to close the door and now she got hurt as Freen closed the door with force.

Freen became anxious and instantly opened the door.

Becky's leg was bleeding.

"Are you crazy?" Freen chided her and scooped her into her arms, she is extremely worried for her.

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