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y/n's pov:
about an hour later you had met everyone, or almost everyone. there were the brothers daryl and merle still off hunting, and carol's husband ed was in his tent. everyone else was nice, or at least seemed it. there were these sisters amy and andrea, lori and her son carl, sophia carol's daughter, morales and his family, t-dog, jim, and jacqui. most people had large tents or cars that they stayed in. you were still cautious, keeping your guard up just in case they're intentions weren't what you thought they were. now, the sun has gone down and you were sitting at the fireplace in a blue lawn chair next to glenn. carol handed you a warm bowl of soup. "thank you." she smiles at you and hands one to glenn. you immediately start eating, the smell of the soup reminding you of your hunger. you could feel eyes on you, but ignored it as you continued eating the silence around the fire is broken by shane "i think i speak for everyone when i say we would like to get to know our knew guest here. y/n would you mind telling us a bit about yourself?" he asks and you look up mid-bite. after swallowing your food you speak "okay, well im twenty-four, i've lived in atlanta my whole life, and i was a paramedic." you state, hoping that was enough information for them.

glenn turns to you "wow that's awesome. and amy and i are twenty-two. its nice to have someone else around our age." he says with a smile. you smile back, feeling a strange warmth in your chest. dale interrupts the moment, "so how exactly did you and glenn meet?" he says, looking between the both of you. glenn talks first "i ran into these really bad dudes while i was scavenging in the mall, i think they were part of a gang or something. as you can see, they beat the shit out of me and were in the process of stealing my stuff and were probably gonna kill me when y/n saved me." he says, smiling at you. you give him a small nod back and feel yourself blush a bit but ignore it. you turn your focus back on your food.

glenn's pov:
jacqui is next to ask her a question "have you been alone this whole time?" she asks and y/n turns to her "yes." she replies shortly and no one questions it about her further. t-dog questions her next "do you have any family?" y/n looks at him "no."she states bluntly, earning pitying looks from around the fire. "oh- i'm sorry to hear that." t-dog says. "it's fine." she assures him. "i'm gonna go walk the perimeter." she says, standing up and swinging her backpack onto her shoulders. shane looks at me and i nod, getting his meaning. "wait, I'll come with you."

i say and she starts walking without responding, as usual. i stand and follow her, jogging to catch up with her pace. she stops once we reach the rv. "why did you follow me?" she asks flatly, turning to face me, her eyes narrowed. "i just wanted to make sure you were alright, i guess." i mutter, looking down at my feet. "well, i'm fine, so you can go back to the others now." she says, starting to walk again. i reach out to grab her arm and she immediately slaps my hand away. "just leave me the fuck alone glenn. i don't need your help" she says, looking back at me. i frown and i feel tears starting to fall down my cheeks. "i just want to get to know you better." i say, almost pleading. "trust me, you don't." she says, fully turning away and walking towards the woods. i curse myself as i let her go. way to go glenn, way to fucking go.

y/n's pov:
tears sting your eyes as you walk to the forest, your machete gripped tight in your right hand almost painfully. you don't loosen your grip, letting pain remind you that you were alive, you were still here. the moonlight illuminates the trees around you as you walk. you lean against a tree and curse yourself in your head. 'god dammit y/n. why are you always such an ass? he was just being nice.' you wipe your tears from your face with your sleeve and grit your teeth, the tone of your inner voice changing 'you did what you had to. when you get close to people it always ends badly. stay just out of reach and use these people to your advantage, find mom' you nod, pushing yourself off the tree.

you start walking, making sure the perimeter around the camp was clear. you only come across one walker, deep in the woods. it had a shot gun strapped to its arm and it hadnt notice you yet, its back turned to you. you creep up to it and kick it in the back of the knees and it falls over onto its stomach. you plunge your blade into its skull before it could turn to you. you swing and slice into it over and over and over, taking out all of your frustrations out on this thing. you stop after the back of the walker was a bloody, mangled mess. you needed a bath and fresh clothes you thought looking down at your filthy, stained shirt and the blood that caked your hands and under your nails. before leaving you yank the shotgun from its shoulder and check see that it was fully loaded. 'what an idiot, didn't even try to defend yourself huh?" you think, before swinging the strap onto your shoulder.

you make your way down to the quarry, the moonlight lighting your way. you eventually make it to the shore, large rocks obstruct your view of the rest of the quarry and you decide that its a good, private spot to bathe. you walk behind one of the larger rocks lining the water and take off your gear and backpack. you take one quick look around and make sure the area was clear before undressing. you take your soap and other toilet trees and slowly step into the water, shivering at the coldness. you wash yourself quickly but thoroughly, making sure to rid yourself of the filth that had gathered on your body and hair the past month. once you are satisfied you step out of the water and dry off with a towel. after you've dried off you take your clean clothes from your pack and dress quickly, then put your gear back on and swing your backpack onto one shoulder. you feel the exhaustion from the day hit you and start walking back to camp. you dreaded having to face glenn after your outburst and hope he would be asleep when you got there.

glenn's pov:
its been about 4 hours since y/n left, everyone else was asleep, and i was laying awake on my sleeping bag. i couldn't fall asleep knowing she was still out there, all alone. i sit up at the sound of footsteps approaching my tent. i hope that's y/n, but take my knife from my pocket just in case it wasn't. the footsteps get closer and i brace myself. i see the shadow of a figure standing in front of the entrance and crouching at the flap. they start to unzip it and i start to approach the entrance, knife in hand. as the person enters and i reach out to touch them. the figure grabs my hand and pushes me under them, pinning me down. i struggle against them until i realize it was y/n. all i could think about was how beautiful she was, the moonlight illuminating her features.

her eyes widen as she realizes it's me and quickly gets off of me, turning around. "im sorry, you just startled me. i thought everyone was asleep." she mutters and i wave my hands in front of me "no its okay, i'm sorry. are you okay? you were gone for a while." i say, hoping she would answer me this time. "i'm fine." she says, settling onto her sleeping bag and turning away from me. "oh alright, goodnight y/n." i say, laying back down on my sleeping bag. y/n doesn't answer and i don't think much of it, as she could've just fallen asleep. i lay awake for a few minutes before finally falling asleep.

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