✧ 26 ✧

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y/n's pov:
you wince at the loud bells ringing in your ears, you could barely tell which direction it was coming from. "what direction?" shane asks and rick points to the right of the group "i think that way. i'm pretty sure." rick says and carol's eyes brighten a bit "if we heard them, maybe sophia did too." she says and you nod "or shes ringin them herself. lets go." you say, starting to jog in the direction rick pointed to. the others follow behind you and you come upon a small white church building. "that can't be it. got no steeple, no bells." shane says and you shrug "it might be on a timer." you suggest and rick nods "you check it out while daryl, shane and i clear it out." he says and you nod, jogging to the sode of the building. you see a small timer box attached to the bulding and take uoit yoir machete. you shrug before hacking at it with the blade, cutting off the bell sounds.

rick comes around the corner "she wasnt in there." he says and you nod. "whats the plan now?" you ask and rick gestures to the group outside the church doors "lets find out." he says, walking toward the rest of your group. you follow him and notice carol was missing. "yall gonna follow the creek bed back, okay? daryl, you're in charge. me, rick and y/n are gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so just to be thorough." he says, glancing at you to make sure you were okay with staying, you nod, nonverbally agreeing.

"you're splitting us up. you sure?" daryl asks and shane nods "yeah, we'll catch up to you." he replies and carl walks forward from his mom's side. "i want to stay too. i'm her friend." carl says, and lori ruffles his hair "just be careful, okay?" she says and rick hands lori his revolver from the back of his jeans "i'll be along soon enough. here, take this. remember how to use it?" he asks and she shakes her head. "i'm not taking your gun and leaving you unarmed." she retors and rick shrugs "here, got a spare. take it." he says and she does so, placing the gun in the back of her jeans.

"give me a minute?" rick asks, looking to you and shane "yeah." shane says and rick enters the church. you hadn't noticed but carol had returned from wherever she was, talking to lori. glenn walks up to you "be careful while you're out there, okay?" he says and you smile slightly "of course, and you too. keep an eye on t-dog, his arm is in bad shape." you say and glenn nods "yeah, will do. see you later y/n." he replies with a smile and a wave, you wave back "see ya sugar." you say reply. you see glenn blush a bit before tunring and joining the rest of the group going to the highway. rick emerges from the church and joins you, shane and carl. "get what you needed?" shane asks him and he shrugs "i guess i'll find out." rick replies and shane nods and starts walking "come on." he says and you, rick and carl follow him

glenn's pov:
we were about halfway to the highway and decided to take a break. carol and lori sit on a log and i lean against a tree to take a sip of eater from my bottle. "so this is it? this the whole plan?" carol says, frustrated. "i guess the plan is to whittle us down into smaller and smaller groups." daryl says and andrea crosses her arms and turns to lori "carrying knives and pointy sticks. i see you have a gun." she says, narrowing her eyes. i start to get nervous at the tension building between them. "why, you want it? here, take it. i'm sick of the looks you're giving me." lori says, holding out the gun to andrea. she takes it and lori sighs. 

"all of you. honey, i can't imagine what you're going through. and i would do anything to stop it. but you have got to stop blaming rick. it is in your face every time you look at him. when sophia ran he didn't hesitate, did he? not for a second. i don't know that any of us would have gone after her the way he did or made the hard decisions that he had to make or that anybody could have done it any differently. anybody? y'all look to him and then you blame him when he's not perfect. if you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. nobody is stopping you." lori says, taking a sip from her water bottle and carol looks down. andrea hands the gun back to lori "we should keep moving."

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