✧ 17 ✧

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y/n's pov:
you were standing inbetween glenn and dale as andrea and dale are carrying amy's body and putting it into a grave. andrea was crying as she lowered amy's body into the hole. "i can do it!" she says and dale backs off from her. you take glenn's hand in your's, squeezing it. he squeezes back, glancing at you.

you were leaning against your bike as shane and rick explained their plan for what to do next. "i've been thinking about rick's plan. now look, there are no guarantees either way. i'll be the first one to admit that. i've known this man a long time. i trust his instincts. i say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. so those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning." shane says and the people around you nod. "okay, everybody listen up. those of you with c.b's, we're gonna be on channel 40. let's keep the chatter down, okay? now you got a problem, don't have a c.b, can't get a signal or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. that'll stop the caravan. any questions?" rick explains and you take note of that.

morales steps out "we're, we're not going. we have family in birmingham. we want to be with our people." he says and shane looks at him "you go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back." he says and morales shrugs "we'll take the chance. i got to do what's best for my family." rick nods "all right." he says, handing morales a gun and shane hands him ammo. "the box is half full." he says and morales and his wife miranda smile "thank you all, for everything." she says and lori and miranda hug. "good luck, man." shane says to morales and he smiles "appreciate it." he says and people exchange hugs with them and they leave shortly after.

by the time everyone was informed and ready to go the sun had set and everyone, including you and glenn had gone to your tents. you sit on your sleeping bag and glenn sits on his. "big day tommorow huh?" he says and you chuckle. "yeah." you say, taking your gear off and laying down. glenn turns down the lamp, enveloping you both in darkness. "good night y/n." glenn says and you smile "good night glenn." you say and as soon as the words leave your mouth you feel a wave of exhaustion hit you. you get into a comfortable position and fall asleep, listening to glenn's soft snores.

day 62

glenn's pov:
my watch beeping in my ear wakes me up and i sit up quickly before checking it, it read 5:32 am. i look to my right and see y/n sitting up, rubbing her eyes "good morning y/n." i say and she looks at me, "morning glenn." she says sleepily, her voice a bit raspy. i feel myself blush, glad she couldn't see me in the early morning darkness. i hear her sniff and let out a soft groan "what time is it?" she asks and i check my watch again "5:37. we should probably start packing up." i say and i hear her yawn "yeah, probably. fuck my head hurts. can you turn on the lamp?" she ask and i do so, illuminating the interior of the small tent.

i could see her clearly now, and i hope she couldnt tell when my face flushed more at the site of her. her hair was slightly messy, and i guess her mask had fallen off in her sleep because the lower half of her face was visible. i couldnt help but look at her lips, they were so pretty, even with that scar. i mustve been looking for longer than i thought because when i looked back up to her eyes, they were narrowed, her scarred eyebrow quirked up. "do i have something on my face?" she asks and i shake my head nervously "oh- no, no. sorry. im just gonna start packing haha." i say, menatlly cursing at myself and starting to pack my stuff into my pack back. "oh, okay." is all y/n says as she packs her things too.

after you and glenn finished packing up your tent you moved on to your next task, getting your bike into t-dogs truck bed. in the time it had taken you and glenn to get your stuff together the sun was rising over the top of the quarry, basking the camp in a warm light. you walk up to where you had left your motorcycle and see daryl standing next to it, looking like he was talking to himself. as you approach him he turns to you "this your bike?" he asks and you nod, crossing your arms "yep." you say and he nods "its pretty nice." he says and you shrug "thank you. it was a gift. you mind helping me get it onto t-dog's truck?" you ask and he shrugs "sure, as long as you help me with mine." he says and you nod, holding your hand out "deal." you say and he takes it, gripping it firmly.

you grab the back end of your bike while daryl grips the handle bars. "ok on three." you say and daryl nods "one, two, three." you say and you both life the bike with a grunt, shuffling to the back of t-dogs truck. once the front wheel is onto the truck bed you both push it further. you hop onto the truck bed and gently lay it against the wall of the bed, making sure it wouldnt be damged. you look back at daryl "thanks. where's your bike?" you ask him and he points to a clearing about fifty feet away where a older looking motorcycle was left. it had an exposed engine and a skull design on the kickstand. "mind rollin it over here?" you ask daryl and he gives you a nod in response, walking towards his bike.

you sit on the edge of the truck bed, letting your legs dangle. as you looked around, you realized you would kinda miss this place, even though you hadn't stayed there for long. you catch sight of carl and sophia chasing eachother around and smile, glad the state of the world hanst affected them too much. you were pulled from your thought when you hear daryl approaching you. he was holding the handle bars of the bike to keep it steady.

"ready for round two?" he says, making you chuckle slightly, "lets do it." you say, hopping of the bed of the truck. once you have a good grip on the back of the motorcycle you nod "on three, one, two, three." you say, both of you lifting thr bike in unison, pushing it next to yours. once its stable you close the door to the truck bed and turn back to daryl. "thanks." he says and you shrug "no problem. nice bike, by the way." you respond and he says nothing, leaving a awkward silence between you. you couldnt help but feel like you were responsible for merle's disapearrance. (a/n- yeah no shit 🙄)

you thought you should say something, not apologize, he was being an asshole, but say something to address the tension between you. "im not going to apologize for putting merle in his place, if i hadnt none of us wouldve made it out alive. i will apologize for the being somewhat responsible for his disappearance. though, knowing him he's still alive and well, probably beating the shit out of some walkers somewhere." you say, breaking the silence. he looks at you, scowling at first but calming his expression slowly. "yeah, probably. i dont blame you, and if im honest, i know he got himself into those cuffs." he says and you mentally sigh in relief. "so were good?" you ask and he nods "were good." he replies and you nod, a small smile on your lips.

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