✧ 6 ✧

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it takes about thirty minutes to get to the entrance you used last time you were at the mall. you open the door slowly and make sure it's clear. you don't see anything or anyone so you wave jacqui and morales in. you step in last and quietly shut the door. stepping over the bodies, you scan the upper lobby of the mall as you walk in. you unclip your walkie talkie and talk into it "were in. over" you wait for a response, "were dowstairs next to the fountain. over" glenn says over the device and you start walking towards the now disfunctional escalators, jacqui and morales close behind you. as you walk down towards the fountain you glance at the bodies of the men you had killed just a day before. they were lined up by the wall neatly. you guessed glenn or t-dog had done that, to get them out of the way.

you see the rest of your group waiting for you. merle sitting on the edge of the fountain, t-dog and glenn talking to eachother and andrea looking into the window of a jewlery shop. merle glares at you as you walk past him towards glenn. you glare back and roll your eyes. glenn waves at you as you approach "hey. you okay?" he asks, looking down at your shirt. you do the same and see it ws splattered with blood. he must think you were injured or something "its not mine. you got the list?" you question and glenn nods and pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket.

"your group will get the medical stuff, and mine will get the food, blankets, and any other stuff you think is useful." you nod and glenn puts a hand on your shoulder "be careful, okay?" he says and you shrug his hand off "i always am." t-dog chuckles as you walk towards where jacqui and morales were waiting. "theres a camping store not that far from here. we'll start there first." they both nod and let tou lead the way.

glenn's pov:
t-dog and i were in a camping store when i hear gunshots coming from the street. "what the hell?" t-dog says, and we both run out to the lobby. through the smudged glass i could see a man riding on a horse surrounded by walkers shooting blindly at them, what an idiot. merle and andrea walk up to us. "what the fuck just happened?" merle asks but i ignore him, talking into my walkie talkie "y/n, you there? over." a few seconds pass before she responds "yes. we heard shootin, any idea what it was? over." i see the horse go down and the man scramble onto the discarded military tank in the street. "it was some idiot on a horse shooting at walkers. he's trapped in a tank on the street. you should get down here. over." i say back to y/n and she responds quickly this time "were on our way. get away from the windows. over." i questioned her last statement in my head before i saw the walkers crowding in the street start to notice us, starting crowd to the glass doors around us. one was beating into the glass wirh a rock. holy shit, i didn't even know they could do that.

"oh shit. this way!" i yell before running into an office i saw last time i was here. the others follw and t-dog locks the door behind us. i walkie y/n again "hey were in the security office downstairs." i wait for a response, praying to whoevers up there that she's okay. my prayers are answered when i hear a knock on the door. i stand and t-dog opens it, revealing y/n, jacqui and morales. "hey. that guy still in the tank?" y/n asks, walking past me and to the desk of the office. "yeah i-i think so." i answer wondering where she was going with this. she starts messing around with the shit on the desk, tuning the radio next to the monitors. "what in the hell are you doing?" merle asks and y/n ignores him. he scoffs and exits the office, no one stops him. andrea and jacqui leave soon after, leaving just me, y/n, t-dog and morales. y/n keeps tuning the radio until she gets to 164.2 "he might be our only way out of this mess." i nod and she picks up the microphone attached to the radio.

"hey, you alive in there?" when the man doesn't respond she speaks again "yes you, the dumbass in the tank. are you still alive?" she sounded frustrated, her brow furrowed a bit. it was kinda cute. okay glenn, focus. a raspy voice answers her call "im here. can you see me?" y/n's face relaxes. "yes. you're surrounded by walkers. thats the bad news." the man responds quickly "theres good news?" he asks his voice hopeful "no." y/n answers simply. "look, whoever you are i dont mind telling you, im a little concerned in here." the man now sounding frustrated. y/n doesnt answer, looking like she was thinking of some plan. "got any advise for me?" the man in the tank asks. "yeah, i'd say make a run for it. i know it sounds crazy, but theres only one walker on the tank and the others have joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. you following?" the guy responds a few seconds late "so far."

y/n nods, even though the man couldnt see her "okay, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. if you move now while they're distracted you have a chance. got any ammo?" y/n looks put the window next to the desk, then looks at me "get ready to go out there." i nod and the man responds "in a duffle bag i dropped put there. can i get to it?" y/n looks at me and i look out the window. the duffle was at least 30ft away from the alley he needed to get to. i look back at y/n and shake my head. "forget the bag. its not an option. what do you have on you?" it takes the man a minute to respond. "i got a bereta with one clip, fifteen rounds." y/n shakes her head slightly "make em count. jump off the right side of the tank and book it in that direction. theres an alley up the street, maybe fifty yards away. we'll meet you there." y/n nods at me and start to stand when the man radios again "hey, whats your name?" y/n rolls her eyes and responds "have you been listening? you're running out of time! go now!" she yells, and starts runnning out of the office and i follow close behind her.

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