✧ 20 ✧

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y/n's pov
after leaving the bathroom you walk down the hallway and see an unoccupied room with a comfy looking couch and a coffee table. "this'll do." you say to yourself, entering the room and closing the door. you set your backpack next to the couch, and check your watch. it read 9:42, and you flip the lightswitch and make your way to the sofa, taking your mask off and getting into a comfortable position. just as you were about to fall asleep you hear the door open. sitting up you grab your knife and face the door, squinting at the light. "my insides feel tingly" the figure slurrs and you recognize the voice. it was glenn, absolutely hammered. you chuckle and walk to him "lets get to the couch okay?" you say softly, grabbing his hand. he lets you lead him to the couch and sits down. "thanks pretty lady. its so hot in hereee." he says and he starts to take off his shirt.

you stop his hands "lets keep our clothes on bud. just lay down and go to sleep okay?" you say and he smiles at you, laying down on his back. "can you sing me a lullaby? pretty pleaseeeeeee. or else i cant fall asleep." you sigh "okay but you have to promise to go to sleep okay?" you reply and he nods "pinky promise." he says, holding out his pinky finger. you chuckle and lock your pinky with his. "alright, heres something my mom used to sing to me when i was a kid." (a/n- insert any lullaby u want idk) by the time you were done singing glenn was fast asleep, curled up in a fetal position. you stand and grab a blanket from the corner of the room and gently drape it over him, then lay out your sleeping bag on the floor next to him and get into a comfortable position. "goodnight glenn." you whisper, falling asleep.

your watch beeping wakes you from your restless sleep. you yawn and turn off the alarm, it was 8:32. you look to the couch and see glenn still asleep, half hanging off of the couch. you chuckle slightly and get ready, making sure all your things are where theyre supposed to be. once you were ready you notice that glenn was still sleeping, and decide to let him rest. he was pretty drunk last night and you needed him at his best. as you were walking towards the door you feel a hand gently grip your wrist "wait. don't leave me y/n." glenn says sleepily and you turn to him, and you feel yourself blush.

his hair was slightly messy, his face still a bit flushed and his eyes were half closed. he was smiling at you, with that stupid smile that made your knees go weak. "i think the others are up, i smell bacon. you hungry?" you say, trying to act like you werent resisting the urge to kiss him. his smile widens "bacon! i love bacon! oww its so bright though." he covers his eyes with the blanket. you chuckle and pull out your sunglasses from your back pack. "here, should make the light more tolerable. you're really hungover arent you?" you hand him the glasses and he takes them and puts them on. "maybe. okay yeah, im very hungover." he answers and you roll your eyes.

"come on, some greasy breakfast will cure that hangover." you say, offering him your hand. he takes it and you pull him up. he stumbles and you grab his shoulder, swinging his arm around your waist. "just hold on to me, and try not to fall on your ass." you say and he chuckles as you both start to walk towards the door. you open it and guide him through the hallway to the dining room/kitchen you had eaten dinner in the night before, mentally squealing everytime he would squeeze your waist to steady himself. you finally make it to the kitchen area and t-dog greets you, holding a pan. "mornin glenn, y/n. you're just in time to taste my famous rehydrated scrambled eggs."  he offers with a warm smile.

"thanks t-dog, let me get this one in a chair and i'll be happy to give em a try." you reply, gesturing to the half consious glenn hanging off of you. he smirks and nods "good idea, wouldn't want him crackin his head open on the floor." he says with a chuckle and you walk glenn over to an empty seat and gently set him down. once hes situated you get some water and hand it to him "here. i'll get you some food okay?" you say and he nods, taking the cup from you.

you stand and set a plate for you and him, t-dog shoveling generous amounts of his 'famous eggs' onto your plates. once theyre filled you take your seat and place the plate infront of glenn, who was resting his head on the table. "hey, foods here." you say and he lifts his head up and smiles at you "thank you y/n, youre a life saver. what would i do without you?" he sighs, making you chuckle. "probably crash and burn." you reply, gently elbowing him. he chuckles and nods, then starts eating his food. you look around the table and see carl, lori, carol, rick, and sophia seated across from you, engrossed in their food. you didnt blame them, this was the best any of you had eaten in months.
you start eating as other people come in to the room once your plate was empty you turn to glenn, who had mistly finished his food. he looked a but less out of shape than he was earlier. you stand and take your plate and his from the table, "thanks y/n." glenn says with a smile and you nod, taking the dishes to the sink attached to the wall.

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