✧ 7 ✧

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rick's pov:
after being yelled at by the person over the radio i grab my gun and a shovel from the wall of the tank. taking a deep breath, i shove the hatch open and lift myself out. im immediately greeted with one of those things lurching towards me. i quickly swing my shovel onto its face, making it fall over. after the walker was out of my path i jump off the tank, rolling onto my side. i stand up and shoot the walkers closest to me as i run towards the alley the person on the radio mentioned. as i approach the alley way i see two figures and point my gun at them. "whoa! not dead!" the man says and i put my gun down.

"this way!" he says, running to a ladder on the side of the building. he starts climbing and i follow him, but look back to see walkers crowding the alley. the other person, a woman, was still in the alley fighting the walkers off with a machete. "go! i'm right behind you!" she yells and i continue to climb, thinking she could handle herself. glenn and i make it to a landing in between the ground and the roof off the building. we look down and the woman is now climbing up the ladder, blood splattered on her face. once she gets to the landing the man approaches her "you okay?" he says and she nods, then looks up to the rest of the ladder.

"nice moves there clint eastwood, you the new sherrif in town?" the man says sarcastically "that wasnt my intention." i say the kid rolls his eyes "yeah whatever, yeehaw. you're still a dumbass." i nod, accepting that what i just did was infact idiotic. i turn to th kid and hold out my hand "rick, thanks." he shakes it "glenn, you're welcome." he replies and i put my now unloaded gun in his backpack. i turn to the woman, expecting her to introduce herself as well but she doesn't. all of us look down as see the walkers slowly start to climb up the ladder. "we should get moving." the woman says bluntly, starting to climb up the ladder behind us. glenn looks at me "that's y/n, she's not much of a talker. and on the bright side, it'll be the  fall that kills us. im a glass half full kinda guy." glenn says, a wide smile on his face. i shrug and climb up the ladder after the woman, the man following after me.

after i reach the roof i see y/n waiting for us by a rusted hatch. "hey, why'd you guys stick your necks out for me?" i ask them as y/n open the hatch. "dumb, naive hope that if im ever that far up shit creek someone will do the same for me." glenn answers, climbing down into the hatch. "nothin better to do." y/n says simply, with a slight country twang as she follows glenn. i recognize her as the voice over the radio and smile before following her down.

y/n's pov:
once you reach the door way to the office room of the building you and glenn start running, rick close behind. you exit the building and dash down the stairs to the alleyway between that building and the faculty entrance of the mall. "were coming back, got a guest plus four geeks in the alley." glenn says over his walkie. you assumed he tuned it to the radio in the office. smart. once you make it to the alley glenn and rick freeze, you look forward and see four walkers turning towards you.

"move." you say, shoving your way infront of them. you take four arrows from your wuiver and load your bow quickly. you them fire an arrow into each of the walkers skulls, making them drop to the concrete. t-dog and morales burst through the door. "come on!" t-dog yells and rick ang glenn run to the door. you walk to each walker and retrieve your arrows before running through the door. once you close the door behind you turn and see andrea poiting her gun at rick. "you son of a bitch! we ought to kill you." you say nothing, finding it a bit amusing.

morales is the first to try to get her off him "come on andrea back off." he says, taking off his gear. "come on ease up." jacqui says and andrea scoffs and rolls her eyes. "ease up? you're kidding me right? were dead because of this stupid asshole." she says, keeping her gun pointed at ricks face. "andrea, i said back off. or pull the trigger." morales says, knowing she wouldn't. she shakes her head and back off him, putting her gun back in her waistband. "were dead. all of us, because of you." she says softly, her eyes tearing up.

rick looks confused "i don't understand." he says, looking around the room. morales grabs his elbow and starts dragging him out of the room. you and the others follow. "we came into the city to scavenge supplies, and the key to scavenging in sneaking in and out. not shooting up the streets like the ok corral." he says, stopping infront of one of the glass entrances of the mall. there had to be a hundred outside just that door, pounding on the glass trying to get in. the glass was cracking bit by bit and you knew it wouldn't be long before they got through both sets of doors. "every geek from miles around heard you poppin off rounds." t-dog states and andrea adds to the despair "you just rang the dinner bell."

the glass starts to break quicker and the group backs up a few feet. "what the hell were you doing out there anyway?" andrea questions him. "trying to flag a helicopter." everyones faces twist with confusion "man that's crap. ain't no damn helicopter." t-dog says, and jacqui puts a hand on ricks shoulder "you were chasing a hallucination, it happens." rick shakes his head "i saw it." he states firmly and the others back off. if you were being honest you didn't give a shit about if the helicopter was real or not. you were thinking of ways to get out of this mall in one piece. you looked at your walkie and it read [NO SIGNAL] you rolled your eyes and was about to tell glenn you were going to the roof when you hear a gunshot from above you. "oh no is that dixon?" andrea says, looking up. "what the hell is that maniac doing?" morales says, walking towards the stairway that leads to the roof. the rest of the group follows him and you go last, looking one last time at the walkers out side.

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