✧ 5 ✧

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glenn's pov:
i  was in my tent, making sure i had everything for the run when i hear andrea outside my tent "hey glenn it's time to go." i finish getting my stuff together and meet her outside "you ready?" she asks and i nod "yeah. let's go." i say and we both start walking to the entrance of the camp where the rest of the group was waiting for us, gathered around t-dog's van. jacqui and morales were talking, y/n was standing by herself farthest from everyone, t-dog was already in the drivers seat, and merle was leaning against the car. morales greets us as they approach "there they are." i smile and walk to y/n, handing her a black walkie talkie "here, i have one too. its to keep in touch when we seperate or if theres any emergencies." i say and she nods, muttering an okay before getting into the car. i sut next to her, andrea in the passenger seat and t-dog in the driver seat. once everyone is settled in t-dog starts the car and starts driving towards atlanta.

i try to start up a conversation with y/n multiple times, but she only gives half answers or nods in return. jesus this girl is infuriatingly mysterious. t-dog makes a sharp turn and y/n is pulled closer to me, our faces inches apart. time feels like it stills as i look into her eyes, and she doesn't move back. i feel my cheeks heat up and see y/n blush slightly as she moves back to her seat. i give up on talking to y/n and strike up a conversation with andrea abiut camping. about half an hour goes by before we get to the outskirts of the city. t-dog pulls to the side of the road and parks. "on foot from here," he says, getting out. the rest of us follow suit, gathering at the side of the car. i go over the plan one more time "ok, we go fast, and we go quiet. were going in two groups one lead by me and on by y/n. merle, andrea and t-dog go with me. morales and jacqui are with y/n. my group will be entering through the south and y/n will be entering through the north." everyone splits into their groups, and start walking in their assigned directions.

y/n's pov:
after glenn goes over the plan, the group starts walking towards atlanta. you were surprised, to say the least that you were in charge of a group. you had only known these people for a day and a half, and they were putting their lives in your hands? it made you suspicious, and you kept your guard up higher than usual. you kept your right hand hovering over your machete as you walked, just in case. around an hour passes as you make your way through the woods, avoiding the streets as long as you could. "how far are we?" jacqui asks you and you turn to your left "were about half an hour away. were gonna have to stick to alleyways once we get closer to the mall. the streets are filled with those things, if even one hears or sees us were pretty much fucked." you say bluntly. jacqui just nods and morales stays silent.

once you get closer to the city you see a three walkers shambling around. one turns and sees you, it growls and starts walking towards you. you take your machete from its sheath, gripping it tightly in your hand. you let it get close, the thing reaching out to grab you. you dodge it easily, spinning around to bring your blade onto its head with a grunt. you yank it out of the now dead walkers skull and turn to the other two. they were closer now, about 5 feet away from you. you step to the one on the right first, kicking it in the knee, knocking it down.

you then turn to your left and dodge it's grab for you, swinging your hatchet into it's neck, decapitating it. you turn back to the other walker, still on the ground, crawling pitifully towards you. you smirk under your mask and stomp onto it's head, the thing's skull bursting under your boot. flicking the blood off your blade and turn back to jacqui and morales, who had a mix of confusion and horror on their faces. "what?" you say, a fake innocent expression plastered on your face. they just keep looking at you, until morales finally speaks "we should get going. don't want the other group to wait on us." you nod at his words and turn around, back towards the atlanta.

✧ sugar 彡 glennrheexfem!reader ✧Where stories live. Discover now