✧ 8 ✧

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glenn's pov:
once we all reach the roof i see merle on the edge, shooting his rifle at the walkers below. "hey dixon are you crazy?!" morales shouts at him. merle just chuckles, hopping down from the edge to face us. "ya'll better be more polite to a man with a gun." he says, walking towards us. i glance to y/n and see her rolling her eyes, and t-dog dashes infront of merles "man, you're wastin bullets we ain't even got!" merle chuckles again "bad enough i got this taco bender on my ass all day. now im gonna take orders from you? that'll be the day." i look to the right of me and see y/n tensing up. oh shit, what is she about to do? "you got somethin you wanna tell me?" t-dog accuses and i see y/n start to walk forward. "the day i take orders from a [readacted]" merle says and as soon as the last word leaves his mouth y/n leaps over the pipe infront of us and punches merle in the jaw.

no one steps inbetween them, letting y/n take out the frustration we all felt. he puts a hand to his jaw and smiles, revealing bloodied teeth. "i knew you were a fiesty one sweetheart." y/n rolls her eyes and swings at him again but he dodges her this time. he grabs her arm and gets her into a chokehold. with a grunt she kicks his knee and throws him over her back, grunting with effort. holy shit, i mean i knew she was strong but, holy shit. once hes on his back she pounces on him, pinning him down with her legs. as he truggles beneath her she takes her knife from her belt and holds it to his throat. this is when rick steps in "alright, i think he gets it y/n. back off." she scoffs and rolls her eyes. "i should slit your throat right now you piece of shit." she spits at him, and merle smirks. "you don't have the guts sweetheart." merle says through bloody teeth. y/n scoffs and takes her knife from his throat and hits him in the head with the back of it, knocking him out. all of us are silent as she stands up "asshole." she says, then turns to rick. "you gonna cuff him or what?" he nods and does so, cuffing merle to one of the pipes on the roof.

y/n's pov:
you try to calm yourself down as you walk away from merle, taking deep breaths. rick breaks you from your thoughts "now that thats settled, how do we get out of this?" you had been thinking of ways to escape since you recued rick. you had a lost of possible ways; sewers, through the walkers, or some kind of vehicle. everyone was silent so you spoke up "if we cant get through the streets, what about under? a city like this has to have an extensive sewer system." rick nods "glenn, check that alley see if theres any manhole covers." glenn jogs to the edge of the roof and looks down, then looks back at us.

"nope, must all be on the street where the geeks are." jacqui speaks up "maybe not, a big building like this, built in the twenties would have a drainage tunnel that lead to the sewers in case of flooding. down in the subbasements." morales questions her "how do you know that?" she shrugs "its my job- was my job. i worked in the city zoning office." with that, you and the rest of the group except for t-dog made your way to the lower levels of the mall, hoping this plan would work.

you all gathered around the railing that led to the drainage pipe. "are you sure this is it?" morales asks glenn "yeah, its the only thing in this building that goes down. ive never gone down it, who'd want to right?" the others look at him expectantly and he looks back down "oh. right." andrea is the first to try and comfort him "we'll be right behind you." he shakes his head "no. not you." her face twists with confusion "why? you think i can't?" he looks down again "no i wasnt-" rick interrupts him.

"speak your mind." and glenn nods "look, until now i always came here by myself- and the first time i bring a group all hell brakes loose. no offense. if you want me to go down the knarly hole, fine but we do it my way. its tight down there i dont want all of you behind me jamming my way out and getting me killed. i will bring one other person." you were about to volunteer when glenn interrupts you "not you, i need you up here, just in case something goes wrong."

you nod and let him continue with his plan. "i'll bring morales, and rick and andrea, you two are the other ones with guns so you should watch the doors. jacqui and y/n stay here and let us know if anything happens so we can come back up in a hurry." you internally smile, happy to see glenn in charge for once. "alright everyone knows their jobs." rick says and everyone walks off to their seperate duties. morales climbs down the ladder first and you stop glenn before he goes "be careful." you say simply and you watch him swallow as his face grows red. "will do." he says, giving you a thumbs up. you chuckle and he climbs after morales, entering the pipe.

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