✧ 27 ✧

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y/n's pov:
hershel went back into the room with carl and shane was consoling rick. you didn't know if you should stay or leave, not wanting to interrupt the moment. "lori has to be here, shane. she has to know." rick says, tear falling doen his face. "okay, i get that. i'm gonna handle it. but you've gotta handle your end." shane says and rick looks confused. "my end?" he asks and shane nods "your end is being here for your son. even if he didn't need your blood to survive, there is no way i'd ever let you leave. man, i'd break your legs if you tried. i mean, you know that, right? if something happened to him and you weren't here. if he slipped away while you were gone, you would never forgive yourself for that, and neither would lori, man." he explaind and rick nods

"you're right." rick says and they both chuckle "when was i ever wrong? you know, you were in that hospital, the one you were never supposed to leave, man. you should've seen lori. the strength of that woman. you can't imagine it. see, that's what you gotta have now. i mean, carl, he needs that from you. so you wire yourself tight, my friend. you hear? you've got the hard part. you just leave the rest to me, okay?" shane says and you find yourself admiring their friendship. you could see they really cared for one another. (a/n- righttt, yeahhh sureeee. they definately dont try to kill eachother ever 😇) rick looks shane in the eye "alright."

you turn and see hershel walking theough the feont door. "he's out of danger
for the moment, but i need to remove the bullet fragments. his belly's distended, and his pressure's dropping, which means there's internal bleeding. a fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels. i have to open him up, find the bleeder and stitch it. and he can't move while i'm in there. i mean, at all. if he moves an inch i'll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. to even try this, i have to put him under. but if i do, he won't be able to breathe on his own. same bad results." hershel explains and you sigh under your breath.

"what'll it take?" shane asks and you answer him "a respirator, the tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, and sutures." shane looks at you then back to hershel "if you had all that, you could save him?" he asks and hershel nods "if i had all that, i could try." otis stands to join the conversation "the high school. they set up a FEMA shelter there. they would have everything we need. place was overrun last time i saw it. you couldn't get near it. maybe it's better now." he says and shane looks back at rick "i said, leave the rest to me." he says with a smile and rick chuckles lightly.

"is it too late to take that back? i hate you going alone." rick says and you step towards them "he won't be." shane shakes his head slightly "it's too dangerous." he says and you roll your eyes "do you even know what half the stuff we need looks like? you need me shane." you counter and shane sighs "alright. just stay close to me." he says and you salute him "yes sir." he snorts at your actions and turns back to hershel "doc, why don't you do me a list, draw me a map." he says to hershel and otis speaks before the doctor could. "you won't need a map. i'll take you there. ain't but five miles." he says and patricia appears at his side. "otis, no." she protests and otis turns to her, taking her hands in his "honey, we don't have time for guesswork and i'm responsible. i ain't gonna sit here while they fella takes this on alone. i'll be all right." he says and patricia nods.

"are you sure about this?" shane asks and otis nods "i am. now, we can talk about
this till next sunday, or we could just go
do it real quick." otis replies and you chuckle "i'll take right quick." you say and rick walks closer to you and otis, making eyecontact with the man "i should thank you." he says and otis shakes his head "wait till that boy of yours is up and around, then we'll talk."

"where is she? your wife?" maggie, hershel's daughter asks. rick turns to her "they were making their way back to the highway, that big traffic snarl. should be in the woods close to there." he answers and she nods "i'll take a horse, and bring her here." she says, walking away. you admired her willingness to do such a kindness for people she just met. hershel walks up to you "you know what to get right?" he asks and you nod. he smiles slightly "good luck y/n." he says and you smile back "thank you." with that, hershel returns to the house, leaving you, otis, shane and rick on the porch. "just get what you need and get out of there." rick says, looking between you. you nod, and otis stays silent. "you stay strong, all right?" shane says, pulling rick into a hug. after they seperate rick takes his revolver from his holster and hands it to shane "take it, to keep yourself safe." he says and shane takes it, putting it in his waistband. "that's a fine weapon, rick. i'll bring it back in good shape. let's check on your boy." he says and you all walk inside to the room carl was in.

you see him sleeping on the bed, he looked so peaceful. you would thing he was just resting if you didn't know he'd been shot. rick walks up to him first "i'm here carl. y/n and shane are gonna get stuff to gwt you better, bring you back to me." he says, his eyes wetting with tears. you walk to the other side of the bed "i'll see you in a bit sweetheart." you say, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. you then walk out of the room to meet otis on the porch.

glenn's pov:
we were getting closer to the highway, i was walking by myself, near the back of the group. "how much farther?" amdrea asks and daryl looks back to her. "not much, maybe 100 yards as the crow flies." he answers and andrea nods. "too bad we're not crows." i mumble under my breath. we turn a corner and i loose sight of andrea. all of the sudden i hear her scream and run to the noise. i see her being attacked by a walker, scrambling away from it. i feel myself frozen by fear, unable to move a muscle. before anyone could do anything someone on a horse rides up, killing the walker as the pass. as the horse comes to a hault i see that the rider is a woman, a pretty woman.

"lori? lori grimes?" she asks, a twinge of an accent in her words. lori steps forward "i'm lori." she says hesitantly and the woman looks to her "rick sent me. you got to come now. carl's been shot. he's still alive but you gotta come now. rick needs you!" she says, urgency in her voice. lori starts to walk closer but daryl stops her "whoa, whoa, whoa. we don't know this girl. you can't get on that horse." he protests and lori shakes her head "she knows their names daryl, thats confimation enough." she says, joing the woman on the horse. "rick said you had others on the
highway, that big traffic snarl?" she asks, looking down to me. i feel my face heat up as i answer her "uh-huh." she nods and tilts her head "backtrack to fairburn road. two miles down is our farm. you'll see the mailbox. name's greene.

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