✧ 12 ✧

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y/n's pov:
daryl goes to attack rick, but he shoves him off. you run up to them and put daryl in a chokehold. "calm down man." you say and daryl struggles against you "you'd best let me go" he shouts and you shake your head "nah, i think it's better if i don't." you reply and he continues to try and struggle out of your grasp, punching and yanking at your arms. you stay steady, and he eventually gives up with a grunt "choke hold's illegal." he says and you roll your eyes "come on, man. i can keep this up all day." you say, tightening you grip around his neck.

"you're enjoying this arent you?" daryl mutters and you shrug "maybe a little" you reply with a small smirk. rick approaches slowly "i'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. do you think we can manage that?" he asks and daryl nods "mhm. yeah." he says and you let him go. he looks back at you and rubs his neck. you noticed he was kinda handsome, when he wasn't yelling or trying to punch you. rick continues explaining himself "what i did was not on a whim. your brother does not work and play well with others." he says and you scoff at that "its not all ricks fault. i knocked his ass out, if youre gonna be pissed at anyone, be pissed at me." you say and he narrows his eyes at you "you, took down merle?" he says, clearly not believing you. you roll your eyes "i just held you in a choke hold for two minutes. yes i took merle down." you retort, crossing your arms. he looks at rick and he nods and t-dog joins in "it's not rick's fault. i had the key. i dropped it." he says, looking distraught. "you couldn't pick it up?" daryl questions and t-dog shrugs "well, i dropped it in a drain." daryl scoffs "if it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't."

t-dog continues "well, maybe this will. look, i chained the door to the roof... so the geeks couldn't get at him... with a padlock. it's gotta count for something." daryl looks around the group "to hell with all y'all! just tell me where he is so that i can go get him." lori looks at rick "he'll show you. isn't that right?" she says and she looks pissed, you guessed thats what they were arguing about before. rick nods "i'm going back." he says and lori walks into the rv.

glenn's pov:
rick walks back over with his police uniform on, shane following close behind him. "so that's it, huh? you're just gonna walk off? just to hell with everybody else?" he shakes his head "im not saying to hell with anybody." shane continues "could you just... could you throw me a bone here, man? could you just tell me why? why would you risk your life for a douche bag like merle dixon?" daryl stands "hey, choose your words more carefully." shane shakes his head "no, i did. douche bag's what i meant. merle dixon...the guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst." rick shrugs "what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. i can't let a man die of thirst. thirst and exposure. we left him like an animal caught in a trap. that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being." he explains. lori scoffs "so you and daryl, that's your big plan?" rick looks at me "oh, come on." i say, and rick gives me a look "you know the way. you've been there before... in and out, no problem. you said so yourself. it's not fair of me to ask... i know that, but i'd feel a lot better with you along. i know she would too." i internally sigh, but agree to go with.

"i'll go too." y/n says from next to me. shane shakes his head "that's just great. now you're gonna risk four of our people huh?" t-dog joins "five." daryl huffs. "you see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?" daryl rolls his eyes but relents. shane argues "you're putting every single one of us at risk. just know that, rick. come on, you saw that walker. it was here. it was in camp. they're moving out of the cities. they come back, we need every able body we've got. we need 'em here. we need 'em to protect camp." i could tell the gears in rick's head were turning."it seems to me what you really need most here are more guns." rick says, and i get what he's getting at "right, the guns." shane looks confused "wait. what guns?" he says and rick smiles "six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns. i cleaned out the cage back at the station before i left. i dropped the bag in atlanta when i got swarmed. it's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up." he offers and shane looks interested. "ammo?" he asks "700 rounds, assorted." rick answers. (a/n- and im too lazy to put the whole thing but shane and lori eventually agree.)

i was sitting in the drivers seat of the truck y/n next to me, waiting for rick. i glance at her and my eyes widen as shes was already looking at me. "you okay?" she asks, and i nod, too flustered to say anything. jesus what is this girl  doing to me? im saved from my embarassment when rick gets into the backseat. i turn the ignition and start driving.

we reach the roof and t-dog cuts through the padlock and we enter the roof. daryl walls ahead of everyone "merle! merle!" he shouts but stops when we reaches the pipe merle was cuffed to. he starts sobbing and i question him until i see what he was looking at. the handcuff is empty and there's merle's hand was lying on the ground. i gag and daryl aims his crossbow on t-dog, but rick pulls out his revovler and points it at daryl's head "i won't hesitate. i don't care if every walker in the city hears it." he says and i glance at y/n, who seemed to be amused, her head tilted and a small smirk on her face. daryl lowers his crossbow and walks to his brothers severed hand.

"you got a do-rag or something?" he asks t-dog and he hands him a bandana from his pocket. daryl picks up merle's severed hand, wraps it in the bandana and puts it in my backpack. i grimace but don't say anything "he must have used a tourniquet... maybe his belt. there would be a fuck ton more blood if he didn't."  y/n adds and i notice a blood trail and start to follow it. the others follow behind me and we walk down the stairs. daryl shoots a walker in the office with his crossbow. i walk in after him and  make sure its clear. "merle!" daryl shouts and rick narrows his eyes at him "we're not alone here. remember?" daryl scoffs "screw that. he could be bleeding out." he says and we all continue walking.

we enter a kitchen type room and i immediately cover my nose with my hand. the room smelled awful, like burning flesh. y/n scrunches her nose and walks toward a stove thats still lighted. merles belt waslaying next to it on the counter. daryl stands next to y/n "what's that burned stuff?" he asks and y/n answers him "skin. he cauterized the stump." daryl smiles "told you he was tough. nobody can kill merle but merle." he says and y/n rolls her eyes at him. rick shakes his head "don't take that on faith. he's lost a lot of blood." he counters and daryl walks up to an open window. "yeah? didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap." he says, gesturing a broken window.

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