✧ 15 ✧

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glenn's pov:
we were almost to the truck. walking under the railroad track. "admit it, you only came back to atlanta for the hat." i say with a smirk. "don't tell anyone." rick says in a hushed voice. i glance to my right where y/n was walking, her eyes focused on the ground infront of her. i was still thinking about her reaction to seeing my in the gym, how she hugged me. we reach the spot where i parked the truck, but it was nowhere to be seen. "where the hell's our van? who would take it?" i ask and rick makes eyecontact with me. "merle." he answers. "he's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp. we should haul ass." daryl says and we all start to run towards the quarry. once we get closer i hear gunshots "go! go!" i shout and start to tun faster, the others on my heels. once we get to camp i see its fully chaos, walkers and people running around, people shooting or stabbing them. i shoot the nearest walker to me and was about to turn to another when one grabs me from behind. i yelp and fall to the ground, the walker trying to get at me. suddenly, it stops moving and drops to the ground beside me.

i see y/n standing next to me, her bloody machete in hand. "thanks." i saw breathlessly and she shrugs "no problem." she says, reaching a hand out to me. i take it and she helps me stand. i look around and see that all of the walkers were dead, on the ground. but it wasn't just the walkers, there were people, good people dead. i look to the rv and see andrea sitting next to a lifeless amy. i start to tear up "oh no- amy. oh shit." i say and i feel y/n wrap her arms around me. "im sorry glenn." is all she says as i cry into her neck. it was simple, but it comforted me to know she was there.

we seperate, and y/n puts a hand on my shoulder "lets gets some rest, then we can bury them tommorrow, okay?" she says and i nod, wiping the tears from my eyes. she gently takes my hand in hers and leads me to my, no- our tent. i immediately collapse on my sleeping bag and y/n lays on hers, facing me. "goodnight glenn." she says, looking into my eyes. i smile, "goodnight y/n." i say and close my eyes, drifting to sleep.

day 61

y/n's pov:
you wake up to your head pounding and groan as you sit up. rubbing your eyes you look to your left and see that glenn wasn't there. you check your watch and it reads 8:32 am. you never slept past 7, you must've been exhausted from yesterday. you realized you still had all of your gear on, and questioned how you slept with it as it is usually uncomfortable. you feel you stomach growl and take a granola bar and your water bottle from your bag to have a quick breakfast before dealing with the after math of last night. after a few gulps of water and the granola bar your headache ebbs down to a dull pain.

you sigh and exit the tent, looking around at people moving bodies into piles. you see andrea still sitting next to her dead sister, keeping watch over her. you feel a pang of sadness in your chest at the sight, which was strange. you've never felt saddened over the death over people who were basically strangers to you, but for some reason, these people, these survivors, brought up emotions in you you thought you no longer experienced. you were familiar with rage and joy, but this sadneess, this grief you felt as you looked on to the bodies laying in piles was unfamiliar to you. it had been so long since you felt such empathy and greif. you decided to pay your respects to amy.

you look to your left and see a patch of daffodils sprouting from the grass. you pluck a couple and walk over to andrea. she looks up at you, her eyes bloodshot. "may i pay my respects?" you asks snd she nods. you crouch next to her and gently place the flowers onto her chest "rest in peace, amy." you say and andrea turns to you "thank you." she says, her voice raw from crying. you gently put a hand on her shoulder and stand up. you scan the area and see glenn struggling to pick up the body of a walker. you walk over to him "need some help with that?" you say and he looks up and smiles. "morning to you too." he says and you chuckle and grasp the arms of the walker. you both lift it and throw it over to the walker pile.

you look over to andrea who was still watching over amy. she hasn't moved from that spot in hours. you see rick trying to talk to her. you can't hear exactly what theyre saying but you get an idea when andrea pulls her gun on him.
rick backs off and walks back to shane, lori, and daryl. you decide to join the group, and glenn follows you. (a/n- walk him like a dog 😜) daryl was yelling, as usual. "y'all can't be serious. let that girl hamstring us? the dead girl's a time bomb." he says and rick shrugs "what do you suggest?" daryl gestures with his crossbow. "take the shot. clean, in the brain from here. hell, i can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance." he says and you have to admit, he kinda has a point. lori shakes her head "no. for god's sakes, let her be." she says and with that the conversation is over.

you and glenn go back to dragging the bodies around. you see morales and daryl drag the body of a dead camper toward the fire. "what are you guys doing? this is for geeks. our people go over there." he says and you could tell he was upset. daryl shrugs "what's the difference? they're all infected." glenn points to the pile of dead campers "our people go in that row over there. we don't burn them! we bury them. understand? our people go in that row over there." he says and daryl and morales drag the body toward the row of dead campers.  you put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it, trying to reassure him. daryl huffs as he drops the bodies legs onto the ground "you reap what you sow. y'all left my brother for dead. you had this coming."

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