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day 59

glenn's pov:
the pounding in my head wakes me up and i groan, rubbing my eyes as i sit up. i look to my right and see that y/n was already up. the events of last night hit me like a truck. its gonna be so awkward around her now, i think. my stomach grumbles, pulling me out of my thoughts. i should get up and eat, whatever carol's whipped up. i get my shoes on and leave my tent, jacqui coming up to greet me. "mornin glenn, shane wants to talk to you." i mentally groan "can it not wait? i'm starving." she gives me a sympathetic look "i'll save you a bowl," she says patting my shoulder. "thanks, and save y/n one too." i say and she nods, walking to the direction of her tent.

i rub my eyes again before walking to the rv, where i assumed shane was. dale greets me as i approach "morning glenn, here to see shane?" i nod "yep, bright and early." i respond, entering the rv. i see shane sitting at the booth, writing on a piece of paper. "hey, sit." he says, motioning across from him. i nod and sit, waiting for him to speak. he sighs, "i need you to go back to the mall. were running low on almost everything, and you cant go alone, not this time. its too dangerous. i want you to bring a small group, whoever volunteers. but make sure you bring y/n, i don't trust her, not yet. you'll leave this afternoon, after the dixon brothers get back. here's the list." he hands me the paper and i put it in my pocket "got it. i'll get the group ready." i reply, standing up.

y/n's pov:
you were at a washboard, furiously scrubbing your dirty clothes, your headphones on. once most of the stains were out you rinsed them and hung them on the line. you feel your stomach growl and realize you hadn't eaten breakfast. as you were about to get something to eat glenn walks into your view. "hey, can i talk to you for a sec?" he says and you take your headphones off and let them hang around your neck, the song 'what's my name again?' by blink 182 still playing. "sorry what?" you ask, as you only heard snippets of what he said.

"i need to talk to you. me and a few others are going on a run to the mall later, shane wants you to go." he replies and you shrug, "okay, i'll go. who else is coming?" you ask and he thinks for a moment before answering, "me, andrea, jacqui, morales, merle, and t-dog. were gonna leave as soon as the dixon brothers get back in about 2 hours." he says and you nodyou were about to walk away when he stops you. "can we talk about last night?" he asks, and you mentally groan, hoping you would both just ignore then tension between you. you shrug, trying to act non-chalant, even though you had been anxious since the incident "what's there to talk about?" you reply and glenn rubs the back of his neck nervously, "you looked really angry, are you still mad at me?" he blurts out, avoiding eye-contact. you chuckle lightly, glad that's all he wanted to say. "i'm not mad at you glenn." you reply and glenn smiles "oh, good. so were cool right?" he asks and you nod "were cool." you reply and he walks away, leaving you by yourself.

you finish washing your clothes and hang them up to dry. just as you were about to take a granola bar from your bag you see jacqui walking up to you, a bowl in her hands. "good morning y/n, heres breakfast." she says, handing you a bowl of oatmeal. "thank you." you reply, and jacqui guves you a knowing look "don't thank me, glenn asked me to make sure you ate." she says, turning and walking away before you could say anything back. 'why would glenn care if i ate?' you ask yourself as you started to eat your oatmeal. glenn puzzled you. you had just met yesterday, but he was already treating you like a good friend. you werent used to that type of real kindess, and to be honest, it scared you.

you decided to relieve dale from watch for the next hour or so to keep your mind off of glenn. once you reach the rv you greet dale "hey, want a break?" he smiles "that sounds nice. thanks." you climb up the ladder, sitting next to him. "know how to use one of these?" he says, gesturing to  the hunting rifle he was holding. "yeah." you reply and he nods, handing it to you "the safety's on." he says, climbing down the ladder. you scoot up to the edge of the rv, letting your legs dangle. the cool september breeze refreshes you as you sit, watching the perimeter. about an hour goes by and it's still quiet, the only movement being the occasional rabbit that wanders onto the main road.

the tranquility is interrupted when you feel someone watching you. you take the safety off the gun and scan the area, spotting two figures watching you from behind a large tree about 50 feet away from the rv. "come out." you project and you assume that they heard you because they both walk out from behind the tree, hands up. "good. now walk towards me, slowly." they both do so, and stop once they're about 10 feet in front of you. you could make out their featured now, they're both white males, one older than the other. the older one was taller and had a shaved head while the younger of the two had short light brown hair and brown eyes and had a bit of stubble on his chin. the older of the two speaks first "who the hell are you?" his voice is raspy, and had a slight country accent.

"i was going to ask you the same thing." you state, feeling the tension rise between the three of you. shane walks up, and holds a hand to you "whoa, down y/n. this is merle and daryl dixon. they're with us." you nod and put the safety back on, then hop down from the roof, landing in a crouch. shane holds out a hand to help you up and you stand up on your own. "hell of a welcoming committee ya got here." merle says, looking you up and down. you roll your eyes, ignoring his comment. you already didnt like this shithead, and decided he would be the object of your anger. "sorry about that, she's new, didn't know who you guys were. merle i need you to go on a run to the mall later, with y/n here and a few others." shane says and merle groans "i just got back from a three day hunt and now you want me to go into that shit hole? no way." he argues and you scoff "pussy." you say under your breath and merle whips his head towards you, scowling "what was that?" he growls, stepping towards you.

he was taller then you but you stand your ground, glaring at him "i said, youre a pussy." you hiss with a smirk and shane gets in-between you two before the situation escalated further. "look, merle you're one of the only people here that can handle this, and we need the supplies." merle relents "fine, but you best keep your gaurd dog on a leash." he says, glaring at you as he and his brother walk off. shane turns to you "i hope you aint more trouble than your worth." he states, walking after them. his words make you slightly regret your altercation with merle. you knew you shouldve kept your mouth shut but something about him just made your blood boil. you sigh and climb back up onto the rv, continuing to keep watch.

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