✧ 9 ✧

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glenn's pov:
i walk past morales as we enter the tunnel. it was cold and damp, and i could hear mice squeaking around somewhere in the dark. as we walk further i see a pair of doors and cautiously open them, morales right behind me. as we walk closer we see a grate blocking our way to the rest of the tunnel. "do you think we can cut through it?" i ask and morales shakes his head "if we had half a day and a blowtorch. and that hacksaw in dales tool box wont do it." i look down in dissapointment and shin my flashlight throgh the grate. i jump back when i see a walker munching on a rat. it looks up and lurches at us, growling in an unhuman way. "lets get outta here." i say and morales nods.

we make our way back up and y/n greets us "find anything?" she asks and i sigh "no, were gonna have to find another way out." y/n nods, and was about to say something when we hear glass shattering upstairs "aw, hell." she says and we all run up to the street level floor of the mall. once we reach the store where everyone else was gathered we see that they shattered the first set of glass doors. it wouldn't be long until they got through. "you guys find anything?" rick asks me and i shake my head "the pipes blocked." i answer and everyone's faces drop with disapointment.

everyone went up to the roof to try to find a way out. rick hands the binoculars to morales "the construction site, they always keep the keys on hand." he says and morales looks to where he was pointing. "you'll never make it past the walkers." morales says. rick looks to y/n and i "you got me out of that tank." rick states "yeah, but they were feeding, they were distracted." i counter. "maybe we can distract them again?" rick offers and to everyones dismay, merle was awake and joins the conversation. "right, listen to him. hes onto something. a diversion, like on hogan's heroes." y/n rolls her eyes and jacqui scoffs "give it a rest."

"theyre drawn by sound right?" rick asks, lookign around. "right. like dogs, they hear sound they come." i answer and he nods "what else do we know about them?" morales answers this time "they see you, smell you and if they catch you they eat you." rick looks confused "they can tell us by smell?" he asks "cant you? they smell dead, we dont. its pretty distinct." andrea answers and i could tell he was thinking of something, and i knew i wouldnt like it.

we were all gathered in the room that led to the alley, standing around a dead walker on the floor. y/n, rick and i wore trench coats and gloves. rick breaks the glass to the emergency axe and swings it back, his hands shaking. y/n gently takes it from him "i'll do it." she says bluntly and he nods and steps back. she swings the axe down onto the walkers torso, splitting it open. a putrid smell assaults my nose and i gag. y/n swings the axe again, and again, all of us groaning at the sounds and smell, except for her. in a weird way i admired her coldness and ability to do the things we coudln't, on the other hand she was kind of terrifying. she kneels down and looks up at rick and i "dont get any in your mouth or in your eyes." she says as she digs into the walkers chest, spreading the guts onto herself. "how are you okay with this?" i ask her and she turns to me "i've done it before. you'll be fine." is all she says and we keep covering ourselves with the walker guts. i gag, and turn away to hurl on the floor.

y/n's pov:
after covering yourself  in the walker guts you, glenn and rick exit through the doors to the alley. t-dog shits the door behind you and you keep a tight grip on your machete as you start to walk towards the walkers standing infront of the truck that was blocking your way to the street. you could tell glenn was a nervous wreck as you walked past them, but you knew that as long as you didnt draw attention to yourselves you would be fine. once you make it to the truck you drop to an army crawl under and out to the street, waiting for rick and glenn to start walking again.

you glance to glenn and see him shaking, and reach out your left hand to grip his right. not because you cared about him, but because him panicking could get you all killed (a/n- yeah right 🙄) he glances back at you and you keep looking forward. the walkers you pass pay you no mind and you can see the construction site. you were close, just a hundred or so yards. your hope is shattered when it starts raining. you feel glenn start to panic "its washing off isnt it?" he whispers and rick shakes his head "its not." hes proved wrong when a walker attacks him, and he swings the axe onto its head. "RUN!" he yells and you start running, keeping a firm grip on glenn's hand. rick kills the walkers infront of you and you make it to the fence, climbing over it.

you shed the trench coat and gloves as glenn gets the keys from the lockbox. "i got em!" glenn yells and you all run to the nearest truck and pile in, rick in the drivers seat. as he's starting the truck a walker gets over the fences and shambles to the passenger door. it lurches for glenn and he yelps. you take your knife, reaching over his lap to stab the walker in the head, killing it. shoving it out of the way you close the door and ricks starts driving. "oh god theyre all over that place." glenn says, and you look back to the construction site, seeing the walkers break down the fence and start to run after the truck. 'fuck theyre fast' you think as you catch your breath.

rick looks at glenn "you need to draw them away, i need the truck entrances to the mall cleared." rick parks infront of a red dodge charger abandoned on the street. "im drawing the geeks away how? i missed that part." rick doesn't answer as we get out of the car and rick slams the back of his axe into the druvers side window of the car. "noise." he says as the alarm starts to blare.

you start to get the idea as rick opens the door and starts hot wiring the car and glenn gets in and starts driving. you and rick get back into the truck and drive after him, seperating once you get closer to the mall. rick backs into the rolling doors of the mall and you walk to the back and open the receiving door, banging on it. you help the others in and rick starts driving. you close the door and sit on the floor of the back of the truck, catching your breath. you look and botice merle wasnt with you. "i dropped the damn key." he says, answering the question you hadn't voiced yet.

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