✧ 24 ✧

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y/n's pov:
you were searching the backseat a van, finding a couple of shotgun bullets, a bottle of water and another pair of black sunglasses so far. you smile and place the items in your backpack. you move from the interior of the car to the gas tank. you had your own siphon and gas can, so you started to siphone what you could from the car. there wasn't much, but it was something. glenn walks up to you from the back of the vanholding a small box. "what'cha got there?" you ask, tilting your head. glenn walks closer to you, leaning in "theyre blunts, i think. cool huh?" he whispers, and you chuckle at his dorkyness. you gently take the box from his hand and open it. there were, in fact, four pre-rolled blunts inside.

"holy shit." you say with a smile. "lets save em for a special occasion, like getting to fort benning." you continue and glenn nods "sounds like a plan. find anything as good as that?" glenn aks with a sly smile. you roll your eyes, putting the box in your backpack "just a bit of gas." you reply and glenn shrugs "not as cool as what i found but i guess thats useful." he says and you roll your eyes again. a loud holler takes your attention and you walk toward the noise.

as you walk you see shane standing infront of a large truck with basins of water in the trunk. he was laughing, as the water from one of them soaked his clothes and hair. glenn laughs from beside you "hey, save me some!" he exclaims, and shane looks towards you two. "it's like being baptized, man." he says with a hearty laugh. the moment is ruined when you see a small heard of walkers shambling towards you. the others gasp as they see them too. you grab glenns arm and pull him under the car nearest to you.

you try to control your breathing as the walkers scuffled around you, unaware of your presence. you look to your left and make eye contact with glenn. you could tell he was panicking. you hold his hand tighter, trying to calm his nerves. "just stay quiet, we'll be okay." you whisper softly and glenn nods. what was mintues feel like hours as countless walkers walk by you, their groans filling your ears. once you dont see amy walkers for over a minute you slowly crawl from under the car. to your dismay you see sophia run from the car she was under with carl, and rick running after her. you see carol sob, and lori holding her "theres two walkers after my baby!" she chokes out.

you glance at glenn and he gives you an 'oh shit' look. you hear a groan and turn around, seeing t-dog holding his arm. there was a deep gash from the wrist to his elbow. you walk to him "what happened?" you ask and he looks up to you "cut it on a car door trying to hide. hurts like hell." he replies and you crouch down next to him. "let me take a look. im certified in first aid." you state and he nods, holding his arm out to you. you internally grimace as you scan the cut. you could tell it wouldnt be long until it got infected, or worse. "i'll clean, suture and bandage it for now, but it'll get infected soon if we dont get you antibiotics." you say and t-dog frowns. "do you really have to stitch it? i hate needles." he says and you shake your head "i have to, unless you want the skin around the cut to rot and fall off." you say bluntly and t-dog winces "alright, just get it over with."

you nod and help him from the ground, leading him to the rv. you sit him at the booth table and take a seat yourself. you take your first aid kit from your back pack and lay out a suturing needle and thread, hydrogen peroxide, and bandages on the table. "i need to clean it first. its gonna sting, alot. you ready?" you say and t-dog nods, "ready as i'll ever be i guess." he replies and you take the hydrogen peroxide and open it. t-dog holds his arm out on the table and you look at him before pouring the peroxide on his wound. "jesus fucking christ!" he spits, gritting his teeth. you see the liquid sizzle and turn white, signaling it was disinfecting the wound.

you take a rag and gently wipe around the wound and set it onto the table. "time for the fun part." you say flatly and t-dog chuckles slightly. you thread the needle and place it on the mans arm "alright, on three. one-" you say before pircing his skin with the needle. "fuck! what the hell y/n?" he exclaims and you look at him "i didn't want you to chicken out." you reply and he shakes his head "you are something else." he says and you chuckle softly "just a bit more to go." you say, starting to suture the rest of the wound.

after a few minutes of curses and winces you get it done. "see, that wasn't that bad." you say to t-dog and he stares at you blankly. "yeah, yeah, just bandage it up." he says and you do so gently. "that'll do good enough for now, but if we dont get antibiotics soon you could loose the arm, or worse." you say and he sighs "where the hell are we gonna find those?" he replies and you shrug "in one of thaes cars, or a town up ahead maybe? just hang tight here, get some rest while we get the cars outta the way." you reply and he nods "sounds good, and thanks y/n, you're a lifesaver." he says and you smile "no problem, just keep it dry and try not to move it much." you reply and he nods "you got it." he says and you exit the rv.

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