✧ 16 ✧

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y/n's pov:
you were about to start helping dig holes when you hear jacqui talking to jim. "are you bleeding?" she asks and you turn to them. "i just got some on me from the bodies." jim denies, shaking his head. "that blood is fresh. were you bit?" she asks, backing away from him. "no." jim says and jacqui shakes her head "a walker bit jim." she shouts, backing further away from him. daryl, shane, t-dog, glenn and rick approach him and you decide to join the conversation."i'm okay. i'm okay." jim says, looking out of it. daryl points his crossbow at him "show it to us. grab him." he says and you go behind him and pulls his arms behind his back, keeping him in place. "i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm okay." he says and daryl lifts jim's shirt, revealing a deep bite wound. you let jim go, deciding he wasn't a threat at the moment. he sits down on the ground next to the rv.

"i say we put a pickaxe in his head and the dead girl's and be done with it." daryl says and shane tilts his head at him "is that what you'd want if it were you?" he asks and daryl shrugs "yeah, and i'd thank you while you did it." you sigh "i never thought would say this, but maybe daryl's right. every second theyre not dead is another second they could turn." you say and rick looks at you. "jim's not a monster, y/n, or some rabid dog. he's a sick, sick man. we start down that road, where do we draw the line?" rick says, looking around the group.

"the line's pretty clear. zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be." daryl says and rick tilts his head "what if we can get him help? i heard the c.d.c. was working on a cure. what if its still up and running? if there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the it at all costs, wouldn't they? i think it's our best shot. shelter, protection." rick says and you stay silent, even though you disagreed with him.

"okay, rick, you want those things, all right? i do too, okay? now if they exist, they're at fort benning." shane counters. "that's 100 miles in the opposite direction." lori says and shane shrugs "but it's away from the hot zone. now listen to me. if that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. we'd be safe there." shane says and rick shakes his head "the military were on the front lines of this thing. they got overrun. we've all seen that. the c.d.c. is our best choice and jim's only chance." rick says and you could tell shane was starting to relent.

daryl scoffs and rolls his eyes "you go looking for aspirin, do what you need to do. someone needs to have some balls to take care of this damn problem!" he says, heading toward jim with his pickaxe and tries to take a swing. rick points his gun at daryl's head "we don't kill the living." he says and daryl scoffs "that's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head." shane puts his hands out "we may disagree on some things, not on this. you put it down. go on." he says and daryl puts the pickaxe down and walks away. rick gently takes jims arm and takes him somewhere. you walk back towards the row of bodies, to make sure they were all fully dead.

you were about to swing your machete onto ed's head but carol stops you. "i'll do it. he's my husband." she says and you hand her your blade. she swings it down on ed's skull repeatedly, and righthfully so. ed was an asshole and you felt no pity for him, glad carol was free of him. once she's done she hands you your machete back and walks away. you look down at your clothes and realize they were filthy, so you decide to go to the quarry to wash up and walk down the path to the water.

glenn's pov:
after getting all the bodies in order i decide to go wash off at the quarry and walk to my tent to get a change of clothes. i walk down to the water and when i get down to the shore i see someone moving behind some large rocks. thinking it could be a walker i take my knife from my pocket and slowly and quietly walk to the figure. onve they're in my view i realize it was y/n, who was half-naked and standing in the water. i feel my face heat up as my eyes scan her body. i see several scars on her legs, arms and back. she was pretty muscular which explains how she took down merle. i reailze that staring at her while she was bathing was super creepy and start to walk back before she saw me. as i walk a small branch breaks under my sneaker and i wince.

"i see you, glenn." y/n says and i turn around to face her. she looked pissed, her arms crossed. i couldn't help but let my eyes wander down to her chest. she was wearing a black sports bra and i feel my body heat up even more. i just know my face is as red as a tomato. "my eyes are up here." she says and i snap my gaze back up to her face. "im sorry, i- i thought you were a walker or something." i say and she rolls her eyes "its fine." she says, turning around. and i just continue to stand there awkwardly.

she turns back around "you were coming here to wash off, right?" she asks and i nod. she gestures to the water "then get in. i dont mind." she says, and i feel my face start to get even more red "uh- okay thanks." i reply, starting to undress, leaving just my boxers on. when i look back up i don't see y/n. as i step into the water i start to get a bit worried. "y/n?" i say, to no response. i look done into the water, which was clear but not clear enough to make anything out. all of the sudden i feel something grab my leg and pull me under the water. i let out a yelp as my mouth fills with the water. it was shallow enough so i swim back up to the surface quickly.

once my head breaks the surface of the water i see y/n standing infront of me, laughing her ass of. "you should see your face right now, oh my god." she says and i roll my eyes "yeah yeah. hey. whats that over there?" i say and as soon as she turns her head i grab her shoulders and dunk her under the water. she lifts her head back up and i smirk "got you back" i say, sticking out my tongue. she pouts and pushes her hair out of her face. i find myself staring at her, again. i mean it wasn't my fault she was so nice to look at, the way her hair fell around her face, the way her eyes sparkled, then way those scars made her look even more beautiful.

y/n'a voice interuppts my thoughts"yoohoo, earth to glenn?" she says i shake off my thoughts "you okay?" she asks and i nod, making eye contact with her. "yeah, sorry." i reply and she tilts her head at me. "alright. we should probably get back to camp." she says, walking out of the water. i follow behind her, using all of my will power to not look down. once she reaches her bag she pulls out a towel and starts drying off. it was at that moment that i realized i did'nt bring a towel. y/n turns to me just standing there and raises an eyebrow, smirking "forgot a towel huh?" she says slyly and i roll my eyes. "yep, i'll just have to air dry i guess." i reply and y/n chuckles before throwing her towel at me. i catch it "thanks." i say as i start to dry off. "do you mind turning around? im gonna change." y/n says and i nod, turning my back to her.

after im sufficiently dry i throw the towel over my shoulder and start to get dressed, making sure to keep it off the ground. after getting dry boxer and shorts on i throw on a clean t-shirt and get my socks and sneakers on. after im dressed i turn to y/n who was now wearing a cropped black tank top, cargo pants and her boots. she was still getting her gear on, jeez she had a shit ton of weapons. "you ready?" i ask and she turns to me while swinging her backpack onto her shoulders "yep."

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