✧ 23 ✧

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y/n's pov:
dale was driving now, you and glenn were sitting on the couch in the back while shane and andrea were sitting at the booth table. you had your headphones on, listening to your mixtape. glenn was messing around with a rubix cube and you notice that he was still wearing your sunglasses, just on his head instead of his eyes. you chuckle quietly and elect to let him have them for the time being. you feel the rv stop and take your head phones off. "what is it?" andrea asks and you stand to take a look out of the windshield.

you internally groaned as you took in the sight of a blockade of cars blocking your way through the rest of the highway. "see a way through?" andrea asks and glenn shrugs "uh, maybe we should just go back. go through interstate bypass?" he offers and dale shakes his head "we can't spare the fuel." he says and you feel cloud of dread settle over you. "fuck." is all you say before leaving the rv. the others follow behind you and dale goes to look at the hood of the vehicle.

soon everyone has gathered in beween the cars and rick adresses you since dale was busy "whats wrong with the rv?" he asks and you shrug "almost out of fuel and the radiator hose is shit." you answer and he nods. "we can scavenge what we can from the cars as we move them pit pf the way." rick says, always quick to come up with a plan. you nod and glenn speaks up "some water and food too, im starving." he says and you nod in agreement. lori doesnt look as on board as the rest of the group "this is a graveyard. i don't know how i feel about this." she says and you internally roll your eyes.

"these are all abandoned, lori. it's not like theyre using the stuff." you state, trying to be as gentle as you could. lori just looks at you blankly and walks away, carl in tow. "come on, y'all. just look around, gather what you can." shane says and everyone springs into action. you walk towards the nearest car and start to search it for anything useful. you hear steps behind you and see glenn, holding your sunglasses. "i think these belong to you." he says, and you chuckle softly. "keep 'em they look good on you." you say and you immediately start to regret your choice of words, however true they were.

you see glenn blush slightly "oh uh okay thanks. you want me to help you with your face?" he mutters and you shrug "what?" you reply and glenn blushes deeper "you have a few cuts. one of them is bleeding." he says and you hold a hand to one of the cuts you had forgot about. "oh shit. i totally forgot about them. do you mind?" you ask him and he shakes his head "not at all, lets go in the rv." he says, and you follow him to the vehicle.

glenn's pov:
i follow y/n into the rv and sit next to her at the table. she pulls out her first aid kit from her back back and lays out the supplies for me. "thanks for this. you know how right?" she asks and i could tell it was a genuine question, not an insult. "yeah, ive cleaned up plenty of scrapes and cuts on myself." i reply and she nods. i open a alcohol pad and gently hold y/n's chin "this is gonna sting." i warn and she nods, giving me permission to continue. i gently wipe one of her cuts with the wipe and she winces slightly. "this reminds me of when we met." i say, with a soft laugh.

i take the wipe from her face and place a bandage on her now clean cut. "yeah, when i saved your ass from those wolf assholes." she responds and i tile my head "how'd you know who those guys were anyway?" i ask and y/n visibly tenses "i ran into them in the early days. they were an established gang before the outbreak, started looting and killing everyone in their path. my mom and i barely got out of the neighborhood." she says and i catch the part where she mentioned her mom. "wheres your mom now?" i ask and she looks down. "i don't know. we were seperated when a heard blew through. i haven't seen her since." she replies and i feel a pang of sadness in my chest.

"oh, im sorry y/n. im sure shes still alive somewhere, if she's as badass as you." i state, trying to lift the mood. she smiles slightly "she is. shes ex-airforce, taught me how to protect myself. if she's alive, she'll be at fort benning. " y/n replies and i nod "yeah. alright were almost done just one more." i say, opening another alcohol pad. i lean in closer as i cleaned the cut, making sure to be as gentle as possible. i couldnt help but stare at her, admire her. the curve of her lips, that scar that accentuated them so well. i felt myself leaning in. but stop myself. 'dude she just told you how her mom is missing, and youre trying to kiss her? get a grip' i think, awkwardly leaning back.

i put a bandage on the cut and stand, "wait, glenn." y/n says and i look back at her. "im sorry." she says and i raise an eyebrow. "for what?" y/n looks down "the first night i arrived at camp. i said alot of things that i didnt mean. sometimes i have outbursts of anger that i can't control and i always end up hurting people around me. so, im sorry." she says and i feel myself start to tear up. i sit back down
"y/n, you have nothing to apologize for. we've all been through some shit, we've all lost someone. were friends dude, were cool." i reply and she looks up at me, tears in her e/c eyes.

"can i hug you?" she asks, her voice cracking slightly. it made my heart melt. i immediately wrap my arms around her, holding her close to me. i feel her sob, and rub her back, hoping to comfort her a bit. after a few minutes she seemed to have calmed down, slowly seperating herself from me. she wiped her eyes, sniffling. "thank you. you're a good friend glenn." she says and i couldn't help but feel slightly dissapointed. 'you've known her for a week, what did you expect?' i think, chiding myself. "of course y/n, i'll always be here for you." i reply and she smiles. "alright enough slacking, lets get back to work." she says and i stand, helping her up as well. "yeah, lets go." i say, exiting the rv.

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