✧ 10 ✧

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y/n's pov:
rick pulls into the quarry shortly after glenn. morales pats rick on the shoulder "come meet everybody." he says and you open the back door to the truck and hop out, walking to where glenn had parked the dodge. he smiles when he sees you and you smile back. (a/n- awwww) "glad you're okay." he says and you put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. carl runs up to you "y/n! you're back." he says, wrapping his arms around your waist. you lean down and hug him back "i am." he backs up from you and you see rick walk up to the group. lori looks like shes seen a ghost and runs up to him, and carl does the same. he hugs them tightly and you assume they were his wife and son. you smile, glad to see the family reunited.

the sun had gone down and everyone was gathered around the fireplace, listening to rick talk about what it was like when he first woke up. you were sitting in between amy and glenn. "i felt like i was ripped pit my my life and put somewhere else." he says ans carl looks up at his dad "mom said you died." rick looks down at his son "she had every reason to believe it." he kisses carls forehead. "i barely got them out." shane adds and rick looks to him "i can't thank you enough for taking care of them." he says and shane nods. the peaceful atmosphere was ruined by ed adding a log to his fire, making it flare up.

"hey, ed, you want to rethink that log?" shane says. "it's cold, man." ed counters, and shane looks annoyed "the cold don't change the rules, does it? keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?" you were starting to get annoyed with him as well and started debating whether to give him the same treatment you did merle. "i said it's cold. you should mind your own business for once." ed retorts and shane gets up and walks over to ed's fire.

"hey, ed... are you sure you want to have this conversation, man?" he says lowly and ed rolls his eyes "go on. put the damn thing out. go on!" carol pulls the log out of the fire. you feel anger bubble up from your stomach but push it down 'you cant have another outburst y/n, calm yourself' you think and hold yourself back. shane stomps the flames out. "hey, carol, sophia, how are y'all this evening?" he asks them and carol answers timidly "fine. we're just fine. i'm sorry about the fire." shane shakes his head "no apology needed. y'all have a good night, okay?" shane turns toward ed "i appreciate the cooperation."

shane rejoins us at the fire pit. you had to admit, he was a good leader. dale looks around the group "have you given any thought to daryl dixon? he won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind."  t-dog speaks first "i'll tell him. i dropped the key. it's on me." you shake your head "i'm the one who knocked him out, it should be me." you offer and rick retorts you "i cuffed him. that makes it mine." glenn intervenes "guys, it's not a competition. i don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy." he suggests and you have to admit he's probably right.

amy speaks next "we could lie." her sister shakes her head at that "or tell the truth. merle was out of control. something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed. and if merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but merle's." dale looks unconvinced "and that's what we tell daryl? i don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you? word to the wise... we're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt." t-dog adds to the topic "i stopped long enough to chain that door. staircase is narrow. maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. it's not enough to break through that... not that chain, not that padlock. dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. that's on us."

glenn's pov:
after we decided that rick should be the one to tell daryl about merle everyone went off to their tents, leaving y/n and i alone. "i dont know about you but i am fucking exhausted." she says, standing up. i follow suit and we start to walk to our tent. "same. we had quite a day huh?" i reply and she chuckles "yeah." she says as she enters the tent. i go in behind her and lay down on my sleeping bag. y/n takes off her back pack and lays down on her sleeping bag, facing me. "goodnight glenn." she says and i smile "night y/n." i reply, and she closes her eyes. i admired her face, the way her hair effortlessly fell over her forehead and the way her eyelashes accentuated her eyes. i snap out of it and curse myself, stop being creepy glenn. i lay down on my side and face away from her, eventually falling asleep.

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