✧ 13 ✧

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y/n's pov:
glenn looks confused "he left the building? why the hell would he do that?" he asks and daryl shrugs "why wouldn't he? he's out there alone as far as he knows, doing what he's got to do. surviving." daryl answers. t-dog shakes his head "you call that surviving? just wandering out in the streets, maybe passing out? what are his odds out there?" he critiques and daryl scoffs "no worse than being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks. you couldn't kill him. i'm gonna go get him." daryl says and he starts walking towards the exit.

rick stops him "daryl, wait." he says, pushing rick away.  "get your hands off me! you can't stop me." he shouts and rick puts a hand out "i don't blame you. he's family, i get that. i went through hell to find mine. i know exactly how you feel. he can't get far with that injury. we could help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head." he says calmly and daryl nods. "i could do that."  t-dog joins in "only if we get those guns first. i'm not strolling the streets of atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?" you nod in agreement.  

we were in one of the office rooms and glenn was explaining his plan to get the gun bag. "you're not doing this alone." rick says and daryl joins in "even i think it's a bad idea and i don't even like you much." glenn rolls his eyes "it's a good idea, okay, if you just hear me out. if we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. if i'm alone, i can move fast." he says, drawing a map of the street on the ground and marks the tank and the bag of guns. "look. that's the tank, five blocks from where we are now. that's the bag of guns. here's the alley i dragged you into when we first met. that's where y/n, daryl and i will go." he explains.

daryl looks confused "why me?" he asks "your crossbow and her machete are quieter than his gun. while daryl and y/n wait here in the alley, i run up the street, grab the bag." you nod, noting your place in his plan. "you got us elsewhere?" rick asks glenn points down the street of his makeshift map. "you and t-dog, will be in this alley here." rick looks confused "two blocks away? why?" glenn look at him "i may not be able to come back the same way. walkers might cut me off. if that happens, i won't go back to daryl and y/n. i'll go forward instead, all the way around to that alley where you guys are. whichever direction i go, i got you in both places to cover me. afterwards, we'll all meet back here." he says and you admire his intelligence. "hey, kid, what'd you do before all this?" daryl says and glenn looks at him "delivered pizzas. why?"

you, daryl, and glenn crawl down the ladder and run down the alley. you see a few walkers on the street and duck behind a dumpster, yanking glenn down with you. daryl crouches infront of you and loads his crossbow. you take your machete from its sheathe. "you got some balls for a chinaman." he says to glenn, his version of a compliment. "i'm korean." glenn retorts, rolling his eyes. he starts to stand but you stop him. he looks in your eyes and you almost don't speak, but pull yourself together "be careful. if you die i'll kick your ass." you say and he smiles "aw, you're so sweet." he says, before running down the street. several walkers notice him, but don't aggressively chase him yet. you stay on guard, just in case he needed you.

you turn around when you hear a strangers voice "whoa, don't shoot me! what do you want?" you see a young guy standing in the allyway, daryls crossbow pointed at him. you tighten your grip on your blade, ready to fight if needed. "im looking for my brother. he's hurt real bad. you seen him?" daryl questions but the kid doesn't answer and starts shouting "ayúdame!" he shouts and you recogize the word, it meant help me in spanish. you start to try and shut the kid up "¡càllete ellos te escuharán!" (be quiet they'll hear you!) you whisper-shout and the kid looks at you with confusion. you look back at glenn and notice the walkers start to converge on him as he grabs the bag of guns and rick's sheriff's hat. he runs back to the alley and the kid keeps shouting. "ayúdame! ayúdame! ayúdame!"

rick and t-dog must've heard the kid yelling and they run into the alley you were in. "càllete!" (be quiet) you shout at him and he keeps yelling. you see two other people drive up and enter the alley. one of the guys starts beating in daryl and the other swings a bat at you and you dodge him, then elbow him in the nose. he backs up from you and shouts at his counterpart "that's the bag, vato. take it!" he says and the man starts to run at glenn. you run at the guy and they grab glenn and hold him hostage. you pull yoir gun out and aim at him but cant get a good shot. you see an opening amd shoot one of the men in the ass, mostly out of anger. "get off me! get off me! y/n! y/n!" he shouts and they drive away.

you run to the gate "come back here, you motherfuckers!" you shout as you shut the gate. you feel anger bubbly up and you turn to the kid and run at him but rick stops you. "i'm gonna kick your nuts up in your throat!" you shout, and t-dog tries to calm you down "just chill out." you grunt and back off, still fuming. "they took glenn." you say, tears threatening to fall. you see walkers start to crowd the alley. rick notices too "get to the lab. go!" he shouts and picks up the bag of guns and his hat and you yank the kid by the arm and start running back into the building. we get into the building and you roughly shove the kid into a chair. rick stands in between us "those men you were with, we need to know where they went." he says and the kid scoffs "i ain't telling you nothing." you roll your eyes, already over this kids shit. 

"jesus, man. what the hell happened back there?" t-dog questions you and daryl. "i told you, this little turd and his douche bag friends came out of nowhere and jumped us." daryl answers. the kid rolls his eyes "you're the one who jumped me, puto, screaming about trying to find his brother like it's my damn fault." he says, causing daryl to scoff. "they took glenn. could have taken merle too." the kid chickles "merle? what kind of hick name is that? i wouldn't name my dog merle." he says and daryl goes to kick at him, but rick holds him back. "damn it, daryl. back off." he says and daryl pulls out merle's hand. "want to see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off?" he says, throwing the hand at the kid. he's freaked out by the hand and starts to back away. "i'll start with the feet this time." he says and rick holds daryl back. daryl backs off and rick approaches the kid. "what's your name?" the asks and the kid looks up "miguel." he answers and rick smiles "well, miguel, the men you were with took our friend. all we want to do is talk to them, see if we can work something out."

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