love letter 9

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Loving yeshe

A few days after the slapping incident, we were back the karma sutra, Tantra, yoga and  love making and our talks. It was wonderful. Then you told me of a cave that you go to up in the mountains meditation, solitude and study for months. To me it seemed like a special place I thought as we were in each other's arms. I told you that the next time that I can come and no one would disturb us for months. It would be just the two of us being warmed by each other and candle light. I was holding the prayer flag that I kept in in the hopes that you would say yes. You took me and kissed me. I felt your heat and your body against mine and then you kissed me again and said yes. I was over joyed.   Then you told that on the way there was a poppy field that we could hide and make love for a while and continue on.  Oh I could only imagen...the two of us in a poppy field, bodys tangled together. You said that there was a shirt cut that you've found along time ago for the poppies and the cave. My head was laid against your riby chest and I asked softly when were you planning on going up there. You said that with the last few days events that you were going up there and promised me that you will bring me. I sniffed in our scent and I got on top of you and made love to you slowly and then said I love you and clasped back into your arms roughly kissed you. And fell asleep. As I remember we slept in until noon and headed out before mid after noon. I was wearing one of your dresses that you bought me.  You told me that the poppy field was beautiful mid afternoon.  It was warm out and we made it to the poppy field. It was beautiful. We walked into it hand in hand. Then you picked a poppy and put it in my hair. Apparently I looked very beautiful. Then you got on top of me:  started kissing me and got between my legs and we had intercourse.  It was beautiful and intense to make sweet love in a poppy field. We kept this up until it got a little darker and cooler. Then we put our clothing on and headed to the cave. We made it to the cave at around midnight. I was shivering and when we got into the cave you lit the candles. I saw beautiful thankas on the walls and prayer flags hanging inside and out. it looked more toasty than your chambers but similar. You told me that now no one was going to bother us day or night. We were going to spend six months together, studying, mediating, doing yoga and love making. Day and night. I was so happy at that time. You were such a beautiful soul to me. In the candle light we made love for the first time in the cave. At first we tried to keep our clothing on but as the love making progressed soon the clothing were shed. I want kiss you and taste you. And I know you wanted to do the same with me. I could see it in your gentle eyes. So we kissed for the rest of the night. We were laying on a rug that covered the floor. I dosed off for a bit and then you woke me with you strokering my face with you hand and saw your beautiful Buddha like smile. It was my turn stroke your face. We laughed and quietly felt asleep in each other's arms.  I miss your smile.

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