Chapter 9 - Pillow

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It was a warm, Saturday morning in June. Once again, I woke up in my hotel bed. However, something seemed rather off. I noticed that Pie's sneakers, which are usually clean as a whistle, were tattered and had many scuffs of dirt and many rips in the seams. I also noticed there was a speck of blood on the sole of the left shoe.

"No, It couldn't be!" I thought to myself, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

I decided to ask her a bit later during breakfast, as both Pie and Bottle were still sound asleep. It was unordinary that Pie would sleep this late, as she was an early riser the majority of the time. In the meantime, I got on my phone and started looking at social media for about an hour.

Pie had woken up, and her movements woke Bottle too. Pie looked unwell. She had dark circles under her eyes and her auburn hair was extremely messy. I knew for a fact Pie had gone outside the hotel for the night since I had a vivid memory of her waking me up in the middle of the night. That bastard. I ordered the same breakfast for us and heard Pen ordering food for his hotel. Hanging up the phone, I checked my cell phone for any unread texts during the night. Bubble had texted me at 11:00 at night, asking how the trip was. She apologized that she couldn't make it and said she was feeling better. I smiled, knowing Bubble was much happier than before.

"Pie, can I ask you something?" I solemnly asked, hoping for an adequate answer.

"Yeah, what's up?" She replied, slightly more somber than usual.

"Mind explaining why your shoes are scuffed and there's a drop of blood on one? Also, where did you go last night?" I interrogated her unexpectedly.

Her eyes widened, as she didn't expect me to ask her on the spot.

"It's okay. I won't tell a soul." I tried to comfort her as best as I could, though this seemed to do nothing to her saddened mood.

"Can I tell you later or by text?" She asked.

"Ugh. Fine. Sure." I told her, slightly more annoyed.


Now, I was more suspicious than ever. Usually, Pie doesn't hesitate to tell me some of the worst things she has done. Just like one time, Pie wrote obscenities on our high school's wall since the principal gave her a suspension for too many dress code violations. I could see why she was angry, as our school was extremely strict when it came to girls' dress code.

I soon forgot about it and proceeded to eat breakfast with my friends. Bottle was peppy and energetic like usual, but Pie seemed more gloomy and less interactive than before. What had happened that night?

Once we all had finished breakfast, we decided to do something different today. I texted the others that we should tour the city and visit all the cool attractions. They agreed and we decided to leave at about 10:00 in the morning. We departed shortly after finishing breakfast, which was extremely pleasant since there wasn't a shortage of chefs at the hotel today. On top of all this, the food came quicker, meaning we could leave earlier and check the city out more. I went into the bathroom and got ready. Bottle joined me once I was almost done putting my makeup on. I went outside to see Pie with a mischievous smirk on her face. She told me she was going to prank Liy for the prank call she had made to her a couple of days prior. She was going to set up an elaborate trap next to the hotel door. She first texted Tree and the others (besides Liy) privately. She informed them about the prank, to which they all agreed to join in. Pie snuck out of the room and tied some old fishing line she found at the bottom of her suitcase to the sides of the door. She made sure to place it at about shin level so Liy would be more likely to fall over. After setting up the tripwire, I made sure we were all ready to hit the road. We exited the hotel and knocked on the others' door. There, Liy initially opened it and you know what happened next. I playfully rolled my eyes as Liy tripped over the tightrope. Pie pretended it wasn't her, but you didn't need half a brain to figure out she was the culprit, as she had an ulterior motive behind the prank. Liy fell to the ground, landing on her stomach. She angrily looked up at Pie whistling on her phone.

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