Chapter 25 - Tree

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Private DMs:

Black Hole: Gm

Tree: GM Black Hole!

Black Hole: How ya been?

Tree: Not the best, the thing that's been terrorizing us that I've been telling you about keeps coming back.

Black Hole: Man, if I were on Earth at the moment, I would destroy that thing hahaha

Tree: Agreed lol.

Tree: Anyways, I'm going to get ready now. Take care, love! <3

Black Hole: You too dude! <33

I smiled and laid my phone down on my bed. Black Hole made me feel a certain way, like a warm, fuzzy one. I proceeded to think about him while I changed. Today, Liy told everyone to meet at the abandoned gravesite at noon. I was pissed at Liy. She made my best friend dig up a grave that put us in harm's way. I scowled at the thought and continued with my routine.

I finished getting ready and walked down the steps to see Pen drawing.

"Pen, what's that?" I asked.

"Nothing," He answered with a straight face.

I then snatched the paper off the desk and looked at it.


I eyed the piece of paper. Pen was sketching his long-time crush, Pencil. He drew a self-portrait of her sitting on a cliffside while staring at the setting sun. Pen wasn't much of an artist, but this piece looked excellent in my opinion. I handed the drawing back to him and laughed.

"Why do you like Pencil? She's kind of a jerk," I reasoned.

"Nah, once you get to know her, she's pretty nice," Pen reassured.

"Makes sense."

I walked by, ignoring the drawing. I decided to make myself a breakfast sandwich for breakfast. I finished making the sandwiches. Being the good friend I was, I made Pen one too. Since he was trying to "buff up", I put lots of healthy things inside of his.

"Breakfast is served."

"Goddamn, Tree! These look sick!"

We both ate on the couch together and gossiped about some friends from school.

"Tree, tell me why Pillow built like a rejected video game character?"

I laughed for a while about Pen's statement. "I have no clue, but why she look like the type to climb a glass wall to see what's on the other side?"


We proceeded to make fun of our friends, mainly Pillow and Liy, as there were many things we could say about them. We kept talking until Pen's phone buzzed. He got a text from the group chat.


"What is it?" I asked.

"Stupid Liy wants us to meet now..." Pen tiredly groaned.

"Ugh. Tell her we'll be there soon."

We both hopped in my new car and drove off to the gravesite where she wanted us to meet.

We arrived to see all of our friends talking with Liy. Pie waved to us and motioned for us to come over. We came over and overheard the friends discussing things on how to take the entity down. Surprisingly, Lightning showed up too. Huh, it looks like Lightning really is part of our friend group now.

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